Ekonomis! Resep Tiramisu Kualitas Hotel! [Bahan Lokal, Tanpa Mascarpone & Cream Cheese]
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00:00 : intro
02:05 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:00 : mulai membuat pastry cream (making the pastry cream)
06:27 : menyusun lapisan tiramisu (assembling the tiramisu layers)
08:47 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)
Resep Tiramisu Cake. Tiramisu adalah hidangan pencuci mulut dari Italia. Biasanya cake ini terdiri dari lapisan mascarpone, cokelat, dan kopi. Kali ini aku akan membuatnya lebih simple namun tetap spesial dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat. Rasa pastry cream yang lembut dan gurih berpadu dengan wanginya kopi dan manis dari gula aren. Cocok dijadikan camilan bersama keluarga tercinta.
Resep Tiramisu Kopi Gula Aren (untuk 3 porsi)
Bahan pastry cream:
125 ml santan
125 ml susu
4 lembar daun pandan
1 butir telur
15 gr maizena
35 gr gula
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
½ sdt garam
60 gr mentega
150 ml whipped cream (sebelum dikocok)
Biskuit Roma Kelapa / lady finger / eggs drop
80 gr biang kopi (espresso)
35 gr gula aren
5 gr cokelat bubuk
Whipped cream (untuk garnish)
1. Untuk pastry cream, campurkan telur, gula, maizena, garam, dan ekstrak vanila. Aduk rata
2. Panaskan santan, susu, dan daun pandan hingga mendidih. Tuang setengahnya ke campuran telur tadi, aduk rata lalu tuang semuanya ke panci rebusan sambil disaring. Aduk terus hingga mengental, gunakan api kecil
3. Setelah api mati, masukkan mentega lalu aduk hingga larut. Pindahkan ke mangkuk lalu tutup permukaannya dengan plastic wrap
4. Campurkan air kopi dengan gula aren aduk hingga larut
5. Kocok whipped cream hingga kaku, campur dengan pastry cream yang sudah dingin, aduk rata
6. Celupkan sebentar 5 keping biskuit Roma Kelapa ke dalam air kopi, letakkan di dasar wadah dan padatkan dengan sendok. Tuang pastry cream sampai ⅓ bagian wadah lalu celupkan 5 keping biskuit Roma Kelapa dan letakkan di atasnya. Tuang lagi pastry cream hingga ⅔ bagian wadah
7. Siapkan whipped cream dalam piping bag yang diberi spuit polos. Semprotkan bulat-bulat atau sesuai selera dan beri cokelat bubuk sambil disaring ke seluruh permukaan cream
8. Tiramisu bisa langsung disajikan atau simpan di kulkas 2-3 jam hingga set
No Mascarpone: Palm Sugar Café Latte Tiramisu Recipe [Dessert Box]
Tiramisu Cake Recipe. Tiramisu is a dessert from Italy. This cake usually consists of mascarpone, chocolate, and coffee layers. This time, I'm making it simpler yet special by using easy-to-get ingredients. The creamy and savory pastry cream flavor meets the fragrant coffee and the sweetness of palm sugar makes this dish great to be consumed as a snack with your loved ones.
Palm Sugar Café Latte Tiramisu Recipe (yield 3 servings)
Pastry Cream ingredients:
125 ml coconut milk
125 ml milk
4 pc Pandan leaves
1 pc egg
15 g cornstarch
25 g sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
60 g butter
Additional ingredients:
150 ml whipped cream (pre-whipped)
Roma Kelapa biscuits / ladyfingers / egg drops
80 g coffee concentrate (Espresso)
35 g palm sugar
5 g cocoa powder
Whipped cream (for garnish)
1. For the pastry cream, combine the egg, sugar, cornstarch, salt, and Vanilla extract. Mix well.
2. Bring the coconut milk, milk, and Pandan leaves to a boil. Add half of the mixture to the egg mix. Stir well and put back to the pan as you strain them. Keep stirring on low heat until the mix thickens.
3. After turning the heat off, add the butter in and mix until it dissolves. Transfer to a bowl and cover with a plastic wrap.
4. Mix the espresso with the palm sugar until the sugar dissolves.
5. Whip the cream until it firms up. Combine with the cooled down pastry cream. Mix well.
6. Dip 5 pieces of Roma Kelapa biscuits into the coffee and place on the bottom of the container. Pack it up with a spoon. Pour the pastry cream to fill 1/3 of the container, then dip 5 more pieces of Roma Kelapa biscuits and place them on top of the cream. Pour more pastry cream to fill 2/3 of the container.
7. Prepare some whipped cream inside a piping bag equipped with a round tip. Pipe the cream to your liking and sprinkle the surface with some sifted cocoa powder.
8. Tiramisu can be served immediately or kept in the fridge for 2-3 hours to set.
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Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.
#ResepTiramisu #ResepDessertBox #TiramisuKopiGulaAren #ResepDevinaHermawan
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00:00 : intro
02:05 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
04:00 : mulai membuat pastry cream (making the pastry cream)
06:27 : menyusun lapisan tiramisu (assembling the tiramisu layers)
08:47 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)
Resep Tiramisu Cake. Tiramisu adalah hidangan pencuci mulut dari Italia. Biasanya cake ini terdiri dari lapisan mascarpone, cokelat, dan kopi. Kali ini aku akan membuatnya lebih simple namun tetap spesial dengan bahan-bahan yang mudah didapat. Rasa pastry cream yang lembut dan gurih berpadu dengan wanginya kopi dan manis dari gula aren. Cocok dijadikan camilan bersama keluarga tercinta.
Resep Tiramisu Kopi Gula Aren (untuk 3 porsi)
Bahan pastry cream:
125 ml santan
125 ml susu
4 lembar daun pandan
1 butir telur
15 gr maizena
35 gr gula
1 sdt ekstrak vanila
½ sdt garam
60 gr mentega
150 ml whipped cream (sebelum dikocok)
Biskuit Roma Kelapa / lady finger / eggs drop
80 gr biang kopi (espresso)
35 gr gula aren
5 gr cokelat bubuk
Whipped cream (untuk garnish)
1. Untuk pastry cream, campurkan telur, gula, maizena, garam, dan ekstrak vanila. Aduk rata
2. Panaskan santan, susu, dan daun pandan hingga mendidih. Tuang setengahnya ke campuran telur tadi, aduk rata lalu tuang semuanya ke panci rebusan sambil disaring. Aduk terus hingga mengental, gunakan api kecil
3. Setelah api mati, masukkan mentega lalu aduk hingga larut. Pindahkan ke mangkuk lalu tutup permukaannya dengan plastic wrap
4. Campurkan air kopi dengan gula aren aduk hingga larut
5. Kocok whipped cream hingga kaku, campur dengan pastry cream yang sudah dingin, aduk rata
6. Celupkan sebentar 5 keping biskuit Roma Kelapa ke dalam air kopi, letakkan di dasar wadah dan padatkan dengan sendok. Tuang pastry cream sampai ⅓ bagian wadah lalu celupkan 5 keping biskuit Roma Kelapa dan letakkan di atasnya. Tuang lagi pastry cream hingga ⅔ bagian wadah
7. Siapkan whipped cream dalam piping bag yang diberi spuit polos. Semprotkan bulat-bulat atau sesuai selera dan beri cokelat bubuk sambil disaring ke seluruh permukaan cream
8. Tiramisu bisa langsung disajikan atau simpan di kulkas 2-3 jam hingga set
No Mascarpone: Palm Sugar Café Latte Tiramisu Recipe [Dessert Box]
Tiramisu Cake Recipe. Tiramisu is a dessert from Italy. This cake usually consists of mascarpone, chocolate, and coffee layers. This time, I'm making it simpler yet special by using easy-to-get ingredients. The creamy and savory pastry cream flavor meets the fragrant coffee and the sweetness of palm sugar makes this dish great to be consumed as a snack with your loved ones.
Palm Sugar Café Latte Tiramisu Recipe (yield 3 servings)
Pastry Cream ingredients:
125 ml coconut milk
125 ml milk
4 pc Pandan leaves
1 pc egg
15 g cornstarch
25 g sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
60 g butter
Additional ingredients:
150 ml whipped cream (pre-whipped)
Roma Kelapa biscuits / ladyfingers / egg drops
80 g coffee concentrate (Espresso)
35 g palm sugar
5 g cocoa powder
Whipped cream (for garnish)
1. For the pastry cream, combine the egg, sugar, cornstarch, salt, and Vanilla extract. Mix well.
2. Bring the coconut milk, milk, and Pandan leaves to a boil. Add half of the mixture to the egg mix. Stir well and put back to the pan as you strain them. Keep stirring on low heat until the mix thickens.
3. After turning the heat off, add the butter in and mix until it dissolves. Transfer to a bowl and cover with a plastic wrap.
4. Mix the espresso with the palm sugar until the sugar dissolves.
5. Whip the cream until it firms up. Combine with the cooled down pastry cream. Mix well.
6. Dip 5 pieces of Roma Kelapa biscuits into the coffee and place on the bottom of the container. Pack it up with a spoon. Pour the pastry cream to fill 1/3 of the container, then dip 5 more pieces of Roma Kelapa biscuits and place them on top of the cream. Pour more pastry cream to fill 2/3 of the container.
7. Prepare some whipped cream inside a piping bag equipped with a round tip. Pipe the cream to your liking and sprinkle the surface with some sifted cocoa powder.
8. Tiramisu can be served immediately or kept in the fridge for 2-3 hours to set.
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Don’t reupload our content but you can share our videos. Production 2020 © Copyrights by Devina Hermawan.
#ResepTiramisu #ResepDessertBox #TiramisuKopiGulaAren #ResepDevinaHermawan