MTF Transgender Transformation - 27 to 33 years old.

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This is a short timeline of my transgender journey over the past 7 years. I hope this can be a happy inspiration despite the difficult times we are in right now.

IG: @tizzyface

FFS Surgeon - Dr. Toby Mayer
IG: @drtobymayer
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Finally talked to my therapist yesterday about my dysphoria. It was a huge weight off my shoulders at first, but I've started to panic knowing that it was a first step in an uphill climb. Your video just calmed me down and made me remember what it is that I have to gain now that I've taken that first step. Thank you so much for sharing your story! <3 <3 <3


This gives me hope. I'm 20, but because I'm in the Army, I can't transition until I'm almost 23. I thought I'd never pass since I am transitioning after puberty. Thanks for showing me it's not too late!


omg you make me so happy i thought it was too late for me. I'm 25 years old and my masculine features are overwhelming and I was depressed but this has inspired me thank you so much!


It's crazy how beautiful some people can be when they turn into their real gender. I know she had FFS but she still looked beautiful before when she was only on hormones.


This gives me so much hope, I am 27 years old and I just celebrated my first month being on HRT! Thank you for sharing your story I am so grateful that im not alone in having transitioned at this age. You look so gorgeous!


Brilliant, really positive video, Jordan. Thank you so much for uploading it. x


Hi, Tizzy. idk if you remember me, but we had a long-ish talk on your birthday a little while ago in VR Chat. I was just googling for your timeline photo, and I thereby ended up stumbling onto your videos and a whole bunch more timeline photos I never knew existed, and I just wanted to pop in and say what an absolute inspiration you are to me. I know I'm too old and too poor to ever be even half as gorgeous as you, but I'm on my path now and I hope I can be even just a *fraction* as successful with my transition as you've been with yours. You are an absolute inspiration and icon to me and everyone else at the Academy. I very, very nearly cried looking at your posts tonight.


The picture of you and Dr Mayer is bringing many tears of joy. ☺️🥺🥲😱😭💗


Wow. this cured my worries about my fear of transitioning late. I also started at 27. (im 2months in). I guess ive seen too many videos of trans people starting before 20. I know how you look doesnt make you any less male or female. but self consciousness isnt as easy as an on/off switch. I want to erase all visible aspects of my masculinity, and ive just been so worried that ill see still "the male" when i see myself. I have a long journey ahead, but thanks for giving me some light. Congrats on your transition. You look so happy with your true self. Best wishes!


Contrary to the masses, brain gender IS your gender and NOT body gender alone!


Transitions are just astonishing, like, how can one change that much
I always try to comprehend it but it's really hard


Loved seeing you transition into your true authentic self! Thank you for sharing and giving us a path to follow.Take care and God Bless You!


Most people are born at 9 mos after conception, but some are predestined to follow a longer, more complicated route. But you've finally arrived in all of your female glory! Congrats!


Just starting to transition at 26 after a lifetime of doubting myself. It's truly never too late!


Is this a transition video or a modeling shoot? I mean you look amazing, actually breathtaking in every pic. But more importantly you radiate confidence and joy.


Was having a dream of looking at myself in a mirror and I was beautiful. But woke up and remembered I'm still ugly. I think I will be pretty when time has passed but the dysphoria is hitting hard. Started HRT about 3 months ago. Haven't really seen any changes yet. My muscles feel smaller but I think that's it. I'm also 30. Watching this gave me a tremendous boost in confidence! Thank you for posting this. I've been thinking about if I'm just going to look like a freak non stop for the last week and this helped. Sorry if I'm being a little too real for anyone. I'm married and my wife called me a freak when all this came to light. She's accepted it now and actually thinks it's good for everyone because I'm happier but some things just stick in the back of your head ya know?


I watch your video over and over again to make me realize that i can be a good girl too. I am always afraid of being too late for transition I'm 23 and next month finally I'll be able to begin my transition. Wish you all good luck


On the video the transition is more than perfect 👍🏻 the passing fantastic ! Lucky girl 🙌🏻


The transformation is surreal, congrats on being happy!


it is really amazing how a person can change positively. such a pretty woman
