Automate Pivot Tables in Google Sheets with Python and Sheets API | Create a Pivot Table (Part 1)

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In this tutorial series, I am going to show you how to automate Pivot Table in Google Sheets with Google Sheets API in Python. Since there are many things you can do with a Pivot Table, I will divide the tutorial into multiple parts.

What is a Pivot Table?
A Pivot Table is a tool to summarize data in a spreadsheet application. Using a Pivot Table, we will be able to simplify the reporting process to extract useful information from a dataset and keep the information organized.

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#PivotTable #GoogleSheets #Python #SheetsAPI
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I'm learning python from you. You're doing such great videos and it is painful to see that you still didn't get what you deserve. Thank you for uploading. keep up the great work man


Hi, is there any way that using GG sheet API, return the values of Pivot tables only, WITHOUT with the PIVOT TABLE EDITOR on the right side?


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