Is Sakura Useless?

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Is Sakura Useless?

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At this point, it’s basically a meme. “Sakura is useless”. While it certainly is true that she has her faults, I sometimes wonder how true this really is. After all, for all of her bad moments, she has had some good ones too. Some very important moments. She may be annoying, but she can get some stuff done. So what I would like to do today is measure her worth. How useless is Sakura really? And more importantly. If she IS useless, does she remain this way? Grab a seat and make sure your milk isn't out of date, because we’re going to talk about Sakura.



VLOG CHANNEL: @AmagiPublishing
SECOND CHANNEL: @EthanSchulteis



PRODUCER: @AmagiPublishing
NARRATOR: @Adrian Apolinio
EDITOR: @Imubi5
WRITER: @Noah Barkley
MUSIC: @Christian Andersen
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the genjutsu resistance and the abnormal chakra control, could have had so much more for her than just healing and crazy strong punches


TLDR: Kishimoto under-utilized Sakura as a protag within the plot

In Naruto, it's pointed out that Sakura has exceptional chakra control. She's also shown to be able to detect genjutsu by the chunin exam finals. Sakura herself is also very smart. The problem is that Kishimoto never expanded on these aspects during Shippuden beyond "she can punch, heal, and make medicine" which, while impressive, isn't comparable to the other protags. Sakura is arguably treated less like a protag except to say "hey look, Team 7 is still together!" -(cough war arc cough)-

Had Kishimoto expanded on her jutsu and tactical skills, I think she'd be less "useless". Sakura never got a signature offensive jutsu (see: wind style rasengan, Sasuke's expanded lightning jutsu) other than, again, chakra enforced punching. Which Tsunade already does. Her support abilities are great, but as a protag in a combative series, the focus on her healing is not comparable to Sasuke or Naruto's battle capabilities.


I never hated Sakura or thought she was useless. I just hated how Kishimoto never did anything with her character, told us how strong she was instead of showing us, and still expected us to accept that she was on par with Naruto and Sasuke.


What Sakura needs is character development.


I don't think shes usless at all she is smart strong brave and capable.

Her hitting people for no reason is just an Anime Girl hitting Guy trope ( Which I hate ) but it's mostly out of jest or frustration still not right but that dose not make her useless.

Respect and keep up the epic work.


she needs more spotlight and it is childhood to not forgive sakura for being annoying and yes she betrayed the team BUT she was blinded by her own desire JUST LIKE SASUKE. and yet everyone forgives itachi that itachi killed the whole uchiha clan yes hes reasonable but sakura had closure of frienship to team 7


I never disliked Sakura for being useless. I hate that she's thoughtless and tends to only think of her own feelings, not seeming to understand when they don't line up with other's and never apologizing or seeing that she did something wrong, and her character's lack of growth just ends up making the self-revolving mindset more apparent.


You forgot the part where she knocked out her whole team so she could go 1v1 Sasuke. I didn't have a problem with her until she lied to Naruto then betrayed her team for selfish reasons.


"You really are annoying." *- Sasuke Uchiha*


Sakura isn't useless, the story made her that way.


What do you guys think, is Sakura useless?


She diffused and created an antidote to sasori poison which he reformulates often to lower the chances of antidotes being useful.
Gotta remember she also created a new form of rehabilitation after the war for the people traumatized by the infinite Tsukiyomi.
Which further advanced the medical system in the Naruto universe.
Has better skills than Tsunade.
She is a very skilled medical ninja.
She doesn't have the fancy and flashy stuff that other ninja have. But to be fair what other characters really do that aren't Kage?

She may be the damsel sometimes but you can't say she isn't excellent in her niche.


I think the author just didn't show her potential that much, that's why I really liked her previous fight in Boruto, she had the spotlight.


She was badly written but I don’t think she was useless. She was pretty vital during the 4th Shinobi War and in the fight against Sasori with Chiyo. At least from what I saw.

If anything she was only useless in the first show.


Me when I saw the title: (drinks some coffee) *"Alright then, here come the pitchforks, let the slaughter begin."*


Personally I don’t think Sakura is that useless has people say their are time in the series when she shines


Sakura really is strong, at some point she wasn't as useless like when she was able to keep naruto alive, or help obito get sasuke back from kaguya's weird dimension. She's strong, but I feel if it wasn't because of her Naruto wouldn't have to carry such a large burden. She let her "feelings" for sasuke get in the way of what's really important.


She had boring but practical powers, which in most setting would be OK to great but she's in a shouen anime which means she will facing an alien space goddess and an immortal sore losing with two dozens game breaking powers who's a Tsunadere for the first Hokage.

So both Naruto's and Sasuke's city destroying powers are the only things that can save the world.


Its not that she is useless, but ppl tend to look at things she has done wrong instead of focusing on good things.


Most of my disdain for Sakura comes from her annoying habit of judging people. She also contradicts herself a lot. She can't grasp how other people feel, and she goes into wild tantrums like a child would. I don't think I can forgive her for how she treated Naruto in the original. And her treatment of him doesn't change.
