Js s53 mapping nested arrays using map in es6 javascript

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in es6 javascript, the `map` method is a powerful tool for transforming arrays, including nested arrays. when dealing with nested arrays, `map` can be applied recursively to access and manipulate inner elements. this involves calling `map` on the outer array to iterate over its elements, and then using `map` again on each inner array to perform operations on its elements. this approach allows for a concise and readable way to modify complex data structures, such as arrays of objects or arrays containing further nested arrays. the use of arrow functions enhances the syntax, making it more elegant. by leveraging `map`, developers can efficiently create new arrays based on the transformations applied to the original nested arrays, while maintaining immutability. this functional programming style promotes cleaner code and enhances maintainability, making it easier to work with complex datasets in modern javascript applications.

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