The Sexiest Facial Hair Styles For Men

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A lady friend of mine called my facial hair “designer stubble.” Sounds a lot better than “I don’t like shaving every day.”


I remember when I shaved of my beard of which I did not take good care of and switched to 5 o'clock shadow.
It was so liberating, It felt like I cleared my face.
Not long after that I started wearing contacts instead of glasses and it really helped.
If Iook at older pictures of me with beard and glasses as I look now in the mirror, I feel so much more confident and attractive.
And it shows with with my dating life.
So 5 o'clock shadow all the way for me.


FELLAS- forget these internet influencers and DO YOUR OWN THING. Be happy with YOU


I went full '70s sideburns and horseshoe moustache years ago. It's not been popular with gals but at least it's distinctive. I gave up on trying to be attractive to other people years ago and just do my own thing


The stubble and scruff looks are styles I’ve always liked and have tried to maintain, since I think it works for my beard which doesn’t really grow any hair between my chin hair and mustache - my mustache and beard are kinda separate, but I make up for that with these two styles and it slays😉. With my thick chops however, I might give the faded beard a try.


27 and growing my facial hair for the first time ever in my life for the new year! Going to try for 3-4 months of just letting it go (with a top line and bringing the bottom line down with it as it grows so it doesn’t look super messy) and just see what I’m working with! If it looks like a respectable beard, maybe I’ll keep it. If it doesn’t look that great, it only takes 10 minutes to take it all off!


Been rocking the goatee since 2016. Not sure how long I'll keep it consistently, but it's the easiest and most comfortable style for me, and in my opinion the one I look best in.


Well, as for tastes it's useless to discuss about them, cause like you said Courtney, the tastes are different (some prefer mustache, some prefer beards, some prefer shaved people, etc.).
What will mostly attract is mostly the look of how someone takes care of himself or herself as well. Why? Because taking care of yourself means that you take a responsibility for yourself. What is also a responsibility? Responsibility = Freedom. Meaning, I have a choice to live how I want, how to take care of myself, without jeopardize anyone. Just like love = freedom.
Also we have to have a balance between being relaxed, and being serious. And that shows how we are self-confidence, and also that we are mature persons (or people call it whatever you want) as well.
Greetings from Europe.


I think what should be mentioned is to be self aware of what works for you. Personally, I can't do the beard, too patchy. But the stubble works for me.


Recently I started to rock what I like to call the “Ramy Season 3” look; mustache with a five o’shadow/stubble, and it’s worked out for my appearance so far. Kept at it as a symbol of a new era for me spiritually. Always love your vids, Courtney! Have a nice weekend!


Thanks Courtney! I'm glad that facial hair is not going out of style anytime soon. I definitely like how my beard looks on me, and I have noticed that women do make more eye contact with me, with the beard. Appreciate everything you do!


I have been rocking stubble on Monday, scruff on Thursday, and corporate on the weekend for about a year now, and so happy with the way I look. Trimming is part of a morning routine, though. Cortney, thanks for the hedge trimmer info will definitely order one ASAP.


Y'all know what I'm rockin LOL. Faded bearded for like 4-5 years running. Going to keep it that way indefinitely, with only the beard length varying.


I started doing the Balbo style since November and definitely helped shape the face better and lots good attention vs clean shaven look had for years


The faded beard 🧔‍♂️ is my new look thanks to watching Courtney’s videos. It really works. I notice I get a lot of compliments from women. The smell good part too lol . Courtney is right this look is high maintenance. I literally see my barber weekly to keep it nice . Also beard oil helps it look nice and fresh


Happy Friday, Courtney ❤! I have been having facial hair since my teenage years and been shaving my facial since teenage years. I already have the salt and pepper facial hair and sometimes I do get compliments from women telling me that facial hair looks good on me and at the same time I don't like to let my facial hair to grow for too long as I do like to look clean on my face


If you're 20 and fretting about not being able to grow a full beard, patchy, or thin (like I was) give it time, the older you get, the thicker facial gets (for most men). Taken me 10 years, and finally at 30, albeit thin, but I can confidently grow a full beard, and seems to be getting thicker as each year passes by... with my unfortunate caveat being, thicker the beard the thinner my hair gets, but personally, I'd rather be able to grow a full set of hair with a patchy beard than go balding with a full beard... unless you're of em lucky sob's with genetics who are blessed with both. Which is just fucking unfair. Work with what you've got, and save what hair you have left. As for sideburns coming back? Please don't. I personally thin they've never looked good. And when I see a dude rocking one, I can't help but think of some hairy unshaven gross 80's Ron Jeremey looking cat. There's a reason you don't see them... rarely ever.


I don’t think sideburns are coming back and they probably shouldn’t either. The disconnected goatee is pretty popular right now though and looks pretty good for those that can’t grow a full beard. I’m currently rocking it and think it looks better than a connected goatee if kept clean and trimmed. I think a good rule of thumb is to keep your facial hair as long as you can without it looking messy. It usually looks best when it’s full but clean and tidy!


Hey Courtney, I’m glad you covered facial hair styles. I’ve been so insecure lately about the fact I cannot grow a full five o’clock shadow up to the point where I contemplated hair transplants or using minoxidil. But after seeing this video, I’ve been able to accept what it looks like. Thank you ever so much. Keep it up! 😁


I'm rocking the cowboy moustache as of right now and I'm so glad I've been able to grow out my facial hair to the point I can have some fun with the styles. I'm trying to get the Kurt Russell beard from "The Thing" movie because that's some crazy beard game right there.
