Tom Hengl - Step-by-step tutorial to optimization of geocomputing (tiling & parallelization) with R'
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Lecturer: Tomislav Hengl (OpenGeoHub foundation)
Summary: Large datasets e.g. large rasters or vectors can not be easily processed in R, mainly because of the RAM and storage limitations. In addition, within a High Performance Computing environment we are interested in running operations efficiently in parallel (e.g. using snowfall, future or similar packages), so that the total computing time can be minimized. Within the landmap package several functions are now available to tile large rasters and then run processing by applying custom based function per tile in parallel. This is at the order of magnitude more complex than running functions on the complete object, hence in a step-by-step tutorial I will try to explain how to make your own custom functions and combine R, GDAL, SAGA GIS and QGIS to run processing and eventually also Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs to share large datasets.
Conrad, O., Bechtel, B., Bock, M., Dietrich, H., Fischer, E., Gerlitz, L., … Böhner, J. (2015). System for automated geoscientific analyses (saga) v. 2.1.4. Geoscientific Model Development, 8(7), 1991–2007. doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1991-2015
Mitchell, T., & GDAL Developers. (2014). Geospatial Power Tools: GDAL Raster & Vector Commands. Locate Press.
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Summary: Large datasets e.g. large rasters or vectors can not be easily processed in R, mainly because of the RAM and storage limitations. In addition, within a High Performance Computing environment we are interested in running operations efficiently in parallel (e.g. using snowfall, future or similar packages), so that the total computing time can be minimized. Within the landmap package several functions are now available to tile large rasters and then run processing by applying custom based function per tile in parallel. This is at the order of magnitude more complex than running functions on the complete object, hence in a step-by-step tutorial I will try to explain how to make your own custom functions and combine R, GDAL, SAGA GIS and QGIS to run processing and eventually also Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs to share large datasets.
Conrad, O., Bechtel, B., Bock, M., Dietrich, H., Fischer, E., Gerlitz, L., … Böhner, J. (2015). System for automated geoscientific analyses (saga) v. 2.1.4. Geoscientific Model Development, 8(7), 1991–2007. doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1991-2015
Mitchell, T., & GDAL Developers. (2014). Geospatial Power Tools: GDAL Raster & Vector Commands. Locate Press.
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