Why Investing £100K Will EXPLODE Your Net Worth!

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In today’s video we’re going to be talking about why investing £100k will explode your net worth. It’s something I achieved with my own investment portfolio last year and today i’m going to share the strategies on how best for you to achieve this investment portfolio milestone too.

📷 Instagram: @mitchinvesting

#PersonalFinance #InvestmentPortfolio #Investing

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*Disclaimer: All ideas presented within this video are that of my own based on my own opinions. Please do not consider any of these videos as financial advice as I am NOT a financial advisor. All financial decisions and choices made are solely your responsibility. The views shared in this video are just for entertainment purposes only. When investing, your capital is at risk and can go up in value as well as down in value. You should consult a suitably qualified professional when seeking out investment advice in order to fully understand the risks associated with investing.*
Рекомендации по теме

I don’t believe it’s £100k.
For me it’s £25k. It felt hard to get to £25k. Than £30k was a lot faster, than £35k I focused on £5k increments.
Before you know it I was on £65k.
My personal experience: get to £25k at all costs!!!! Than focus on £5k increments.


I Hit 110k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. thanks to Katherine Storch for helping me achieve this. ..


I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Brooke Miller.


I luckily inherited 65k and 8 years ago - now have 250k, all my via investments. Obviously I added to it regularly but nothing crazy


Money grows at the same rate whether you have 10p or I.e. 10% per year. Compounding applies in the micro and the macro equally


last month my account reached $115k .. then the market blipped and now Im back to $85k 😭


And remember that £10, 000 is similarly 27% of the way to £100, 000, and £30, 000 is around 50%, if the getting there is getting you down! I think most people would feel that £10k or £30k is potentially achievable in the shorter term even if they feel £100k isn't (which may put them off starting).


Interesting concept and well presented! I enjoyed the F1 analogy that you used. And speaking of cars, I've noticed in some of your other videos that you drive a Lotus. It would be interesting to hear your take on how much you think is justifiable to spend on a car and whether you're an advocate of buying a car outright/having it on lease, etc? Thanks!


I invested 25k in a business and sold up 10 years later for a lot. Growth was far more than I imagined but risks were always high. Could have lost everything many times over.


I can't help feel that this labour government will say "Hold my hammer and sickle" at the next budget regarding ISAs and pensions.


Yo yo yo quick question your still young or younger than me 43 since I’ve not got time on my hands my plan going forward is putting £16k into an etf every year with plans to put my other £4k of my isa allocation into 6-8 high div stocks with decent dividend returns hoping to keep this up till I’m 55 so hopefully with 15 years in div stocks it gives me enough yearly income. Now I will upmy £16k efts to £20k on top that I will add my annual div returns so gives me chance to add more than £20k to my eft till I reach age 60 when I plan to retire as I will get my army pension bye that time will also have 40 yr paid into my Strathclyde pension. But if div return are great those last 5 yr investing should boost my returns. But I’m pissed some astrophysics dude said theres a comets on collision course way earth passes close in 2036 when hit 55 so be pissed if we get wiped out. HAHA😅


Got to get the 100k first that's the hard part.
Will say doesn't feel impossible but it's not easy


Great video, I’m hoping to achieve 100k invested in the next few years.

Are you investing into a SIPP as well?


With the compounding, you just invest your dividends? Is that correct, sorry if a silly question. Great video and enjoy watching every one


For those doing own calcs, calc can be set to annual compounding frequency rather than monthly so to represent the average annual return.


It’s all about starting early in life, if you don’t have a minimum of 10 years to invest then dont invest
Time is money


Hello Mitch, a quick question off topic. Do you think you could provide a video for the best Junior Sipp. Platform fees, buying and selling etf's index funds etc


Is it best to have this £100k in 1x ETF — or is it ok if it’s spread out over say, 5 ETFs? (Meaning my portfolio is £100k total, but spread out across different ETFs)

I’m trying to figure out if I am best with 1x ETF with 100k

Or if it’s also fine having 5x ETFS with £100k split between them?


Could u do the best 100k dividend portfolio?


Hi, I’m 21 and have invested roughly 160k from my business yet still feel broke af as after inflation at say 4% and average stock market growth at 9% im essentially only growing at 5% a year? Any thoughts on this?
