STREAMLIT PYTHON COMPONENTS build by THE COMMUNITY|Interactive Table, Lottie Animation,3D-Mol & more

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Here's the link to the Streamlit Components used in this video.

A big shout out to all these people for creating these component libraries.

I'll try to explore further, more of these Streamlit Components. Leave your views and feedback in the comment section.

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Segments -

0:00 - Streamlit Community
0:41 - Streamlit AgGrid Table
4:04 - Streamlit Card
6:32 - Streamlit Lottie
9:31 - Plost
11:00 - Streamlit - Embed Code
12:09 - Streamlit - 3D Mol
13:52 - Using 3D mol JavaScript
17:55 - Bonus Component

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I’m planning to make more videos on Streamlit and Python. Please do make sure to leave your comments and suggestions. And also if you like this video, do share and subscribe to the channel, Cheers !


I loved the tip, the community expanded the streamlit very well!


Hi, Avra your videos helped me to make websites with streamlit. Your content are really helpful. Video editing is awsome, Hope to see more videos from you


Hi Avra. I really like your videos. I am really a big fan of yours. Your videos teach me a lot thing. I also recommended your videos to my friends. Keep this good work up. Best of luck from udo.


Hey your content is awesome and it really helped me as a student thanks.


Hi, Avra.
Your videos helpful for me.
I have a question on this video.
in the minute 2:18 you right click on the mouse, and get option to copy data from the table.
when I right click I get only export option but not copy options.
can you help me define it?


Hey, I'm working on making a website with streamlit and python for a uni project, the website will hold the visualisation of a mathematical model and we're trying to create a website where people can have an account and log in, as well as go through multiple pages within the website. Instead of using the radio function to guide users to different pages and using the checkbox function to log in, we think it looks more professional if we can use buttons for those functions. Do you know if that is possible and if so, could you tell us how? or make a video tutorial about how? Your tutorial about setting up personal accounts helped us a great deal in setting that up for our website!


Hi Avra. I stuck into a problem. I want to change my theme using the command st.markdown( “”"

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ). My current custom theme is [theme] base="dark" primaryColor="#002b36" backgroundColor="#002b36" font="sans serif" Can you please help me to sort out this problem?



Can you help me ?

my dataframe displays numeric values ​​in an unwanted format. For example: 2018 is displayed 2, 018.0000

can you direct me to the problem?

here is my code:
conn = connect()

def run_query(query):

rows = conn.execute(query, headers=0)

return rows

sheet_url =

rows = run_query(f'SELECT * FROM "{sheet_url}"')

st.dataframe(rows, height=100)


How do I change the size of my table? I set the width to 100% but no matter what, the size of the tabele does not change
