Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners Through Brain-Based Teaching Strategies by Setenay Çelik

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Having started with the point that children learn easily and forget quickly, I have been working a lot on how to teach vocabulary to young learners by improving their memory skills. If it comes to memory, it is well worth searching about the brain. Throughout my search, I have found out that as long as the teachers meet the needs of the young brains, it is easier for the learners to remember new vocabulary items. In this presentation I’m planning to share my findings and ten practical brain- based activities that I use in my classes and find really effective.

Setenay is from Turkey and she has been teaching English for 8 years including 4 years of teaching when she was a university student. She holds a Masters Degree in English Language Teaching from Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey. Her particular areas of interest are teaching English to young learners and creating new, useful classroom materials and activities.
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thanks for all of your comments ☺👍 yes, I'm a non native English speaker just like all the other non-natives who comprise more than half of the world population. I try hard to teach English to the students who may work with any people from different countries in the future. I guess understanding and being understood will have more importance than the American, English or Canadian pronunciation, then.
I am planing to make new educational videos ☺


Ma'am it's very good to see a non native English speaker presenting like a native speaker.. I love your style of teaching.. keep it up keep enlightening..


Great video. I find it ironic how we want to teach children to be good participants, yet we as adults lack the confidence to be the same.


Well actually this is a kind of teaching methodology that has been widely applied in memory training courses. But this is the first time I have seen it used in vocabulary teaching combined with flash cards. Very inspiring for all teachers!


She is so cute! I really admire her humble the way she talk and treat with respect. that's what am I always looking for this kind of skills which can attract me mostly gratitude,


Greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷 This teacher deserves a prize because she is really good at teaching English. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎓


Congratulations on your presentation!!! I teach Russian and Spanish but I can transfer your aproach to my lessons. Just to let you know, I am still learning English, all my life I was avoiding to learn it because the boring teachers I had. I started to learn English thanked to my Spanish and Polish teachers. They were fantastic like you and made me wish to learn English. I need the language to communicate with others. I will never speak like a native and I don’t mind!! Keep it up!!! Good teachers empower other teachers!!


We need to be teachers like her, active and experimental


thanks for this useful presentation as an ESL teacher I really appreciate this method . the most fascinating thing about esl teachers is that they're globally willingly cooperative


I like the way that Turkish people teach the students I used to have Turkish teachers
Big love Turkish people ❤️ turkiye seviyorum


Hello Setenay, I'm zain from Pakistan, it's amazing your presentation and the technic you told for teaching young kids, I also believe that the kids only do and like to do what they enjoy, myself from my childhood I always had trouble in understanding, memorising and reading English our education system over here is pretty messed up student face lot of problems and I'm really concern about it, over here they don't even have a reading class in any school in this country I want to start a different education program here to help the students which can be useful for them and easy for their understanding but the problem is I quit don't have lot of experience init you can be useful for us me and my team if there is any possible way you could help me or guide me with it I'll be really grateful to you, although we Pakistani have a deep respect for you Turkish people


As a teacher to be, I literally appreciate your energy in teaching English. 👏


amazing teacher! no fun no learning...that´s true...my respect to you setenay...


Lower grades would love it!!! You wll be their favorite teacher EVER!!!


I absolutely LOVED that game with the drawings.


She is really so lovely :) Thanks for ur contribution it is what actually I've searched for. Hello from Turkey Setenay hocam :)


Wow. This is exactly how i do it with my kids at school. Great job.


Thank you for sharing this video with us; it is very interesting and awesome way to teach vocabulary without forget the importance of mind connection


This is sweet. But as a former esl teacher, I do feel stupid half of the time because I know I didn’t learn thru being silly. I learned thru digging deep in my curiosity of stuff. I was so into space as a kid, then I was into music and celebrities as a teenager, and now I’m into sci fi as an adult. I learn thru these things because resources in my language were minimal. So I read English book and watched documentaries.

Now I am a teacher at a Montessori school and I teach extra class to one kid...the class is to help her improve her English but learning the language technically isn’t our focus. I teach her about snakes and tornadoes bc those are what interests her now. We expand her vocabulary by learning parts of the snake, species of snakes, how tornadoes form, etc. She’s loving it and it’s so easy for me to prepare our daily lessons because I am guiding a child thru her curiosity. We cook on the side too! We also play outside, and we talk about our daily life.


Obviously this is a presentation for TEACHERS, and the aim are young lerners, kids. If you're not a teacher and don't understand didatics, just make way for the professionals that work and study hard everyday to give your kids alternative and more effective ways of learning.
