7 Weird Things ALL Sigma Males Do

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7 Weird Things All Sigma Males Do. #sigmamale #sigma #achievegreatness
Sigma Males are among one of the rarest personality traits out there. Although Sigma males are often perceived as respectable, independent people, they all share some odd quirks and what some people might even consider to be weird behaviors. In today’s video I will be discussing 7 weird things all sigma males do.

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If you're a Sigma male, then you might want to watch this video to find out what makes us weird and why we do the things we do. Maybe you can learn something about yourself that you didn't know before. Either way, I hope you enjoy the video!

00:00 Intro
00:20 They only open up to a few special people
00:59 Sigma males meditate (unconventional method)
01:59 They play devil's advocate often
02:40 They can cut a person out of their life with ease
03:22 They feel uncomfortable receiving compliments
03:59 Sigma males never go back on their word
04:36 They don't fall victim to the Bystander effect
05:14 Conclusion (Like & Subscribe!)
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I just discovered the term Sigma male and found that I am one. I exhibit every single trait that was discussed in this video. I prefer being alone and do not care what others think of me. Thanks for helping me to identify my characteristics. It was really helpful to find that there are others like me and that we are ok.


1) only truly opens up to a few people.
2) unconventional meditation by letting the mind roam wild on different topics at a deep level.
3) play devils advocate
4) can cut a person out of his life at the drop of a hat if hes betrayed
5) fell uncomfortable getting compliments
6) never go back on their word b/c that is their ninja way
7) dont fall victim to bystander effect


Too weird for the normal people but too normal for the weird


Until I saw this video and a few others I thought I was a little crazy. Now I understand why I act the way I do. It brings me a lot of peace to know.


I literally burst out laughing at the Devil's Advocate thing. It's like "For God's sake! I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm trying to avoid pitfalls that are obvious to me and seemingly invisible to you!" All of these seem spot on. I suspect there are more stereotyped behaviors. One vid suggested that we tend to spend a lot of our alone time unclothed. Another I suspect is true is that we all probably enjoy Bill Hicks and George Carlin.


It's a lonely time for sigmas who were betrayed by their fellow man a couple years ago. I cut a lot of people out once they decided I wasn't good enough to go to restaurants with them. And they all say, "they feel sorry for me". Strange times.


That meditation thing makes for good researchers, philosophers, and artists in my opinion.


Enneagram 5 with a 6 wing, INTJ-T, striving to be Stoic... You nailed this one. Damn Fine Job!!!


Dang a sigma meditates by letting his mind run wild. Nailed it! You're freaking me out


I seem to fit this description.
Regarding the devils advocate bit, if I’m doing something new professionally I first try to learn what not to do so I don’t look like an amateur.
Then I’m left with only the right things to do.


I wouldn't call myself a sigma but there a things that agree with me. I do not meditate but sometimes I just lie in bed and thoughts are just everywhere. Like I can't calm them down. Even thinking about something direct is hard. I respect the time of others and try to be on time but (especially early shift at work) I catch myself being to late to often. Playing devil's advocate (something new I learned because I'm german) is something I do as well, especially with myself. I can cut out persons out of my life with ease (which I sadly experienced the last 2 years) and I fell uncomfortable with compliments. To never go back on my word is something I really want to achive because it is important to me, as well being a gentleman and the thing with the bystander effect... I don't know. I don't come along with everyone. I try to but many times I just take myself back because I don't feel right with them. So I'm a freindly person and try to work with others as good as I can but opening up to someone... Not so easy. As well I'm very shy. So working with someone new for example is always a stress for me.


As a once Alpha male evolved into a Sigma through my life experiences I can concur this video.


Thank you SO MUCH!! I thought I may be an alpha, but then a beta, SIGMA is a THOUSAND percent what I am. I'm throughly captivated and can't wait to learn more of this TO THE "T" class that I fit into. Thank you sincerely!


Thank you. I never knew what my label was, but now have a basis for my understanding and a focal point for guidance when needed. Warm regards my friend.


I have all these traits and I didn't even know what a sigma male is until this video.


Attribute 1. Me.
Attribute 2. Totally Me.
Attribute 3. Often me but not always.
Attribute 4. Oh yeah, Me.
Attribute 5. Me. I deflect compliments with self-deprecating humour.
Attribute 6. Often but not always.
Attribute 7. Untested except in small ways, so maybe.

OMG I am a Sigma male. No wonder my wife doesn't like me. :)


the first 6 describe me. the last one, I'd have to say i don't know how I'd react until I'm in the scenerio. Every one thinks they'll be the hero doesn't always work out that way.


The uncomfortable with receiving compliments is quite true.


Holy Crap! I do all of these!!!
1) You only open up to a few people on serious things because you need the best intel / advice.
2) I'm known in my neighborhood as that guy who just plops down and meditates on the grass.
3) Devil's Advocate is just the scientific method, where you put ideas to the test.
4) Dropping untrustworthy people or people who give bad intel is essential.
5) I like compliments, but I know I have I lot more I can improve, and I don't want to be overconfident.
6) I've never broken a promise. I grew up poor so at a time, all I had was my health and my word.
7) At work, if I see problems, I solve them. On the streets, if I see violence, I stop it with karate, aikido, or psychology.
Never heard the term Sigma Male until recently.


I possess all these traits and had no clue what a Sigma male was before this video. Just thought my high standards in self discovery was me being weird.
