Waiting for a Government Job? Here's Why it Takes Forever!

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Many people wonder why it can take so long to actually get a federal government job. This process can last months and in some cases over a year. The answer involves understanding the hiring process through the human resources perspective. No component in the federal hiring process goes through perfectly without complications and nuance. Understanding the issues that could arise will help adjust your expectations when going through the federal hiring process. In this video, I help explain how a lot of human resource specialist approach the hiring process. Have you started applying to federal government jobs? Let me know down below.

👉 Download the Federal Resume Template & Job Checklist here:

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Thank you for this video. I applied for government jobs the beginning of July. In the mean time it took for them to give me an official offer (i sent in all my paperwork) a private job reached out to me, interviewed me, and gave me a start date. The lag down in government is just unacceptable.


I started a process of a job in Nov 2022, and to this day after completing all the steps i am still waiting for a saving grace of a word.


Update... the job I applied for I was 'referred' to and today I got an email from the Hiring Manager to call them ASAP. I was not expecting something so quick!!


Most qualified isnt just technical or work experience. Best fit personality is also part of being the " most" qualified.


I watched a youtube video once regarding making a federal resume. The lady suggested listing everthing pertinent. She said a federal resume is different than the private sector resume. She said a federal resume could be 6-8 pages long. Anyway mine came out about 8 pages long. I think the lady meant well. Guess what? No referrals with that long ass resume. I think it put the HR Rep to sleep. I went back to my tryed and true 2 page resume. It is concise and to the point. I have had more referrals and interviews with my tryed and true 2 pager. My point is; go with what works! 😎


In some fields, the jobs are few and far between especially the higher the GS level so there may not be many jobs available to apply to. I wish everyone the best


I got a tentative job offer back on Feb 2. Still no final offer. I've heard it takes 6 months to actually start. It is a VA Health position, and I know they are hiring many people right now.


Then you add in the clearance level (if applicable) and the security processing associated with it you start to see why the process takes such a long time.


Thank you for these vids. Very helpful. I am shatingvwith my coworkers even thoufh we work in local govt and the process is slightly diff


I’m waiting on a federal it job as an external candidate. I got referred in the first cutoff but it’s been almost a month since I got the referral notice. It’s really frustrating because I want it and I’ve not been applying for private jobs while I wait. I hope to hear some good news in the next 10 days or so.


Why would a job announcement only be open for 2 weeks? I went back on the site to apply for another one that has been up for awhile and this new one popped up. Only open for two weeks.


One of the jobs I applied for had 46k applicants, crazy. I’ve seen all kinds so far, but as of yet, I not received a phone call yet. I’ve been referred for some that are still in process, but I’m sure it’s gonna take some time


Skills are too general, specialize in high demand skills.


Is it ok to email HR reps to ask them for status? If so should we give them a month or two?


Great Video Armand!! Great Facts! Hey Armand quick ? If you apply for a job at a lower GS grade will your pay change or stay the same? Thanks!!!
