Have you joined the Global Celery Juice Movement?

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Have you joined the Global Celery Juice Movement?

Across the globe, millions of people are experiencing the health-changing benefits of drinking sixteen ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning, a healing practice that was originated by Anthony William Medical Medium decades ago.

To find out more about the healing benefits of celery juice and other healing foods and tools, and to discover the unknown true causes of hundreds of chronic illness and symptoms, Check out Antony William Medical Medium
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I love snacking on celery sticks with humus. Or putting celery in soups. Its definitely a vegetable I keep in the fridge at all times


Plus you follow Dr.Joe Dispenza work. It will blow your mind away. Pineal Gland meditation . Check testimonials .


Go Vegan !!! Go plants base diet !!! Love you all hahaha


Thank you! Organic celery juice? Is not organic okay?


Also can it be celery in a blender (with pulp) juice or it has to be strained or in a juicer?


Can’t you just eat raw celery every day?


I used to like Medical Medium and have 3 of his books, but now he is just following the rest of The crowd and making millions from his clever marketing - And you are all following like sheep- open your eyes and make a clear judgement - What happens if you don't have access to celery juice or all the other supplements he recommends then what? you can't get well. He is also making millions each time you buy one of those recommended supplements, buy the recommended juicer etc. Pretty soon there will be so much celery required by so many people, guess what - it will have to be genetically modified to supply for the demand- just like has happened to all the other fads out there - Once again we are being brainwashed into believing everything this guy says - Some of it maybe true, but not everything - tread carefully and make sure your celery is organic - which of course will cost you a whole lot more than the normal one full of pesticides - This he never mentions and also recommends imported vegetables - come on, they have zero nutrition left in them by the time they get to your country - notice the healthy colours and good condition they are in - Everything in moderation- but keep your wits about you - he is not GOD -
Soon there will be a Heavy Metal Detox Movement - Lets see him donating foods and supplements and juicers to those in need who cannot afford what he recommends -
