Arabic : Learn How To Conjugate The Arabic Sentence Easily & Simply

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Arabic | Learn how to conjugate the Arabic sentence with pronouns, relative pronouns and pointer nous easily and simply.
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جزاك الله خير يا أستاذة محمود، بارك الله فيكم


Hi Ustaz due to health problem I'm a bit late and I've .done only one homework.May Allah bless you.
هذا هُوَ الطبِيب الَّذِي يَفْحَصُ المرضى.
هَذِهِ هِيَ الطبيبة الَّتِي تَفْحَصُ المرضى.
هذانِ هما الطبيبان يَفْحَصَانِ المرضى.
هاتانِ هما الطبيبتان اللتانِ تَفْحَصَانِ المرضى.
هولاءِ هم الطبِيبونَ الَّذِينَ يَفْحَصُونَ المرضى.
هولاءِ هنَّ الطبيباتُ اللَّتِي يَفْحَصْنَ المرضى.


Assalamualaika warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Please can you help me with nun Sakura rules. If you have done any video about it please indicate


Salam. This rules are for Jumlah Ismiyyah right?


Salam uztaz. I am from Bangladesh. Now i am in Saudi Arab for performing to work but my main point is to learn Arobic language so that i can research tha hadis. I can fluently read Quran very well but i can't read arabic sentences because of "Haraka". As i dont know how to use haraka and read arabic sentences because of lacking knowledge of ( fata, kassra, damma). If is there haraka, i can read but without it i can't read. So how can i learn. Can you help me with your guide lines.
