Conan Exiles Thick Leather & Thick Hide. Best & Easiest Ways In The Early Game For Beginners.

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In this video, we talk about Conan Exiles Thick Leather & Thick Hide, and learn the best methods and locations for beginners. That includes turning hide, and reptile hide to thick leather.

★ Related Guides :

★Time Stamps :
00:00 Conan Exiles Thick Leather & Thick Hide. Best & Easiest Ways In The Early Game For Beginners
00:07 Which Animals Drop Thick Hide
00:26 How To Turn Thick Hide Into Thick Leather
00:40 How To Get More Thick Leather Using A Tanners Table
01:09 Best Tool To Get Thick Hide From Enemies
01:17 Best Locations To Kill Enemies For Thick Hide
02:08 Best Method To Get Thick Hide & Thick Leather
02:26 Where To Find An Armorer
02:40 How To Get Hide From Animal Skins In The Tanners Table.

★ Subscribe and enable all notifications to know anytime I post a new guide, and to support the channel which will help me make more guides.
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★ Related Guides :

★Time Stamps :
00:00 Conan Exiles Thick Leather & Thick Hide. Best & Easiest Ways In The Early Game For Beginners
00:07 Which Animals Drop Thick Hide
00:26 How To Turn Thick Hide Into Thick Leather
00:40 How To Get More Thick Leather Using A Tanners Table
01:09 Best Tool To Get Thick Hide From Enemies
01:17 Best Locations To Kill Enemies For Thick Hide
02:08 Best Method To Get Thick Hide & Thick Leather
02:26 Where To Find An Armorer
02:40 How To Get Hide From Animal Skins In The Tanners Table.

★ Subscribe and enable all notifications to know anytime I post a new guide, and to support the channel which will help me make more guides.


The tip about the tanner making thick hide is perfect. I had no idea. Started playing again to get ready for the update and I am not ready to fight rhinos and elephants yet.

All around good video.


If you're only at iron weapons and medium armor like I was today, be careful of the big black rino, he is an elite. Also the elephants will be too hard so go for the grey rinos. There's also tigers there which hurt if they hit you but just do the dance with them right and they aren't too much trouble.


Great tip regarding armorer/tanner’s table. Thx for posting!


Great video thank you didn't know about the armor at tanners table super helpfull


thank you SO much.
i was ready to click off frustrated when you listed the areas in the upper desert, until you mentioned any level armorer can turn regular hide into thick hide.
I was stuck on the soldier journey for hours because i was unable to get thick hide in the river area and was ready to rage on the discussions about the journey being broken if you cant complete it without venturing so far north of the starting area.
i genuinely did not know an armorer could do that, that changes everything.

This game is way too wiki heavy, they really need better item descriptions or a way to figure things out better


Hey, dude nice video! Just a question, im not being able to convert hide with Twine to Thick Hide, any sugestion? :)


I just started the game and found a bear roaming around. I tried attacking it with my 20 DMG weapon and got murdered. I wish I had seen this tutorial before. I ended up losing my base location after death 😢


Hi, i just started this game an i dont really understand how you get an armourer, ive seen them before but how do i make them follow me


How do you turn on the enemy's health bar so you can see it?


Wait so you can turn normal hide into thick hide?!?!


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I always drop everything else because i thought ONLY thick hide gave u thick leather. Fml


Know this is 2 years old so I don’t expect a response but do you know why my armorer absolutely refuses to go into the tanner table so I can make thick leather?
