This is why Indian Motorcycles SUCK

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Hello everyone! Welcome back to Fast Lane TV. This video is about " This is why Indian Motorcycles SUCK ".

Indian Motorcycles are perhaps one of the few companies that have given Harley Davidson a run for its money. But not all of their bikes are quite that amazing and some people even go as far as to say that their bikes are plain bad.

Well, corrosion and paint bubbles on the chrome fender strips, which are tack welded to the fender skirts, are a regular complaint from Indian motorcycle owners. Consumer reports indicate that both the front and rear fenders are susceptible. The severity of the problem and whether or not it affects both fenders is dependent on the specific model and year of the Indian bike, as well as whether or not the fenders are chrome plated. While newer Indian motorcycles typically have their corroding chrome strips covered under warranty, this doesn't aid owners who purchase their bikes without one. At first glance, this may appear like a purely decorative concern, but several riders have reported rusting chrome stripes and fender skirts due to water getting in via the bubbling chrome's open seams.

Why, exactly, do the fenders of Indian Motorcycles corrode and bubble over with chrome? When chrome strips were soldered to the skirt, the fenders weren't always painted completely around the welds. Sometimes the chrome strips are only vinyl or plastic with a thin layer of chrome tape over the top. The chrome tape used on 2017 vehicles bubbles up when exposed to mild temperature and humidity fluctuations, allowing corrosion to build around it.

Another issue with these bikes is that clutch cables snap easily. Some owners blame subpar installation by the dealership, while others blame insufficient lubrication of the wires during maintenance. The peculiar design of the Indian clutch cable actuator has been blamed by more than a few mechanics for the frequent failure of Indian motorcycle clutch cables. "Compared to the clutch lever end, the anchor point at the actuator end is difficult to verify. If you routinely drive on a sandy road, the rate at which your clutch cable breaks will be directly proportional to how well you maintain it by cleaning and lubricating it at each service. In Indian bikes, many clutch cables fail at the weld that holds the cable within the actuator. Without proper lubrication, the clutch cable might break near its attachment points on either end during clutch disengagement.

Moreover, these bikes also have a tendency to suffer fading of saddlebags and seats. India’s original plan was to equip all of its motorcycles with real leather, which is why 2014 models were particularly susceptible to leather fading. To be sure, leather deteriorates in the sun, and many riders grumbled that the altered appearance of their Indian is due to the fading tan leather. Since 2015, when Indian began receiving complaints about the leather on their bikes, they've used bonded or artificial leather, which deteriorates at a far slower rate. Thus, while newer models (from 2015 onward) include better fade-resistant seats and saddlebags, a common complaint from Indian riders is that they are not made of genuine leather.

Another pretty common complaint with this bike is that the mirrors don’t stay tight. Indian motorcycle mirrors are unique in that they do not require fasteners to secure the mirrors to the handlebar stems. There are instead sliding adjustment nuts that come loose due to vibration. The mirror stem on Indian motorcycles is secured with a nut that is tightened around the stem itself. Once you've positioned the mirror where you want it, you may secure it by tightening the bolt. The mirror stem might become dislodged due to engine and wind vibrations by rattling back and forth. A loose Indian motorbike mirror can become a serious safety issue at highway speeds, flapping back and forth and even hanging upside down.

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The only problem I found with my Chief vintage is that I’ve forgotten about my Softail Deluxe.


So basically no real issues got it. 👍🏽


I’m a Harley guy and I like some of the Polaris Indians. This video is silly. You can nitpick every machine


I can only ram a huge positive flag into the ground for my Indian. I am still very, very happy with my Indian Springfield. It is one of the very first ones, which I bought in 2016. Till today zero problems, no corrosion, no chrome problems, not a single engine/ transmission problem. Bike still looks like brand new! I still enjoy every km here in Germany with that great engineered thunder stroke engine.


Now, let's make a video on Harley's defects. BTW, I own both brands so I can tell you they both have issues...and their individual strengths.


When I go cross country riding on my Chieftain with my Harley friends, I'm the only one not carrying tools!


I've been working on Indians for 3 years at a pretty big dealership, and most of what you say is only with the first couple years which have since been remedied. Breaking clutch cables haven't been a problem, the "chrome" trim is plastic which doesn't rust, but in my opinion they should have used actual metal trim. The engines are damn reliable, coming from the work that went into Victory.
Now if you want a problematic money pit, get a Harley. The twin cam motor was a huge mess for years. The timing chain setup dumped plastic and metal straight into the oil pump, the early design failed badly in a few thousand miles. After the very good Evo motor, HD went to the disaster of the twin cam, an engine lucky to make it to 50, 000 miles before needing a complete rebuild. Have a failed lifter? Kiss your cases goodbye as the lifter bosses were not replaceable on the TC engine, unlike all previous designs. Transmissions were junk, plenty of failures, especially the early 5 speeds, which HD refused to take care of even under warranty. Now I hear the Milwaukee 8 has it's own bunch of problems, but doesn't that just go along with the pride of harley ownership? Own a Sportster, be prepared to be treated like crap at the dealership. As a mechanic you have to deal with idiot customers with bad attitudes and no idea of anything, the bikes covered in aftermarket crap that You will be blamed for when it breaks, even if the shop didn't put it on.
I love motorcycles and have been at dealership level for over 35 years, but by far the worst bikes I've worked on have been Harleys, followed by some Korean ones which made Chinese bikes look like Hondas quality wise. Master certified with BMW, certified Triumph, MV Agusta and Piaggio, yamaha scooters (! remember those?) and have worked on everything from Norton to Nimbus. Honestly I hate cruisers in general, but money is money..


Some interesting comments. I own a 2017 Indian Springfield which I bought brand new. It has been used for extensive touring in North America and Australia.
The chrome is still near new everywhere. Some slight bubbling on the 3M plastic tape but you have to look for it. The front war bonnet was removed and recoated and sealed which fixed the base plate rust. Mirrors just require correct adjustment. My bike has the optional oil cooler. I let the bike warm up which takes longer. But it doesn't overheat even in extreme conditions while riding. But I don't let it overheat stationary either. I only use Indian Oil and I check that it's correct. The engine has to be ridden a decent distance so it's at operating temperature. Dealers don't do this and as a consequence they can get it wrong! Mine actually takes about 6 quarts but it has the additional oil cooler. So there's oil in lines and radiator.
Zero clanking completely reliable.

Great bike just needs good servicing adjustment and care. Still looks like new.


I signed legal paperwork that refuses me to say anything discouraging about HD following a lawsuit!! Since, I have a 10 year old Victory with 166K, and a 3 year old Indian with 38K (my second Indian) My polaris are perfect!


I’m an Indian fanboy and own one, also own a Harley. Only one of them had a check engine light come on and only one of them refused to take care of the issue unless I threatened them with litigation (it was under warranty). The other company picked up my bike when the battery died and they replaced it for free. I’ll let you guess which company did what.


I had an Indian Scout for three years. Zero faults. Amazing tool.


All I heard of things that Indian use to do. Sounds like they have corrected all if not most of these issues. Indian have made great strides and innovations when it comes to the American V-Twin market, where as Harley Davidson has never done anything new or innovative. Same old tech at todays full prices.


All companies have issues. When there's competition, the consumer wins. I hope they both kick ass.


Getting ready to laugh at this video as I am a Harley rider, but then! Not even 5 minutes in and half of these problems apply to my softail 😭😭🤣 ima go cry and drink beer in the shower now, peese brothas✌️


I love my’s the best bike I’ve ever ridden. I’ve only had one small issue with it and that was because I rode it in 16 degree weather and condensation built up when I stopped for gas. Other than that it’s my dream bike!


I talked to HD mechanic once, and we were talking about bikes, he said “if you’d take all the Chinese parts off of Harley, you couldn’t even push it “ … I have Honda GW, so don’t really care, but HD are garbage, if I was buying true American motorcycle, I’d definitely go with Indian …


I have a 2022 Springfield and I love it. I bought it new, so yes I have a warranty. That said, I've had two issues since my purchase a year and a half ago. 1) the windshield developed small cracks at the bolt locations and 2) the front chrome piece referenced in this video began babbling. When I brought this to my dealerships attention they replaced it without charge. All in all I wouldn't own another bike. My personal opinion is when you by something, especially new, you shouldn't be surprised if some small minor things happen. It should only be an issue IF the dealership doesn't make it right!


Have a 2015 chieftain with 22, 000 miles and all problems talked about are not an issue with mine. With any bike routine maintenance is a must. When not riding have a place to put it where it is protected. Come from a long line of Harley riders and I love my Indian.


I have owned several motorcycles 3 Harleys. Traded my last Harley for an Indian Chief Vintage 2016 best bike I have ever owned. Runs great, no issues, looks great. You can get a bad motorcycle with anyone….It’s all your own perspective. Bashing Indians won’t get you nowhere! I see tons of positive statements below.
