Why It’s Smart To Get A Dumb Phone - 7 Things You Should Know

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What is a dumb phone and is it worth giving it ago. In this video I'll share what it's actually like to use one exclusively with no smartphone for 3 months. This is everything you need to know before buying one or turning your smartphone into a dumb phone.

After realizing there is more to life than just settling with what you’ve got and what is expected of you, I’m determined to help others in their 20s realize their own true potential and live a more passion-fuelled life by taking back control.

I’m going, to be honest with you I’m 27 years old, and achievement wise I don’t really have anything to show for myself, I entered the real world after college with no skills and no idea. I quickly discovered after bouncing from 1 minimum wage job to another that something is wrong.

Is this really what my life is going to be like?

But after seeing my wife quit Uni to pursue YouTube and start her own business, I saw that life wasn’t just about settling with what you’ve got but it's actually possible to create your own path.

After seeing what is possible of someone close to me, I’m determined to experience, learn and share to help others in their 20s realize their own true potential, take control and live a life to be proud of.
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I don’t understand why it’s seen as embarrassing for someone to pull out their “dumb phone” honestly. If they’re around my age or younger, I look at that and think “Wow. Going against the system. Pretty cool.”


Boredom doesn't exists.
It is a negative connotation for "the mind is free".
the most creativity comes out when we are "bored".


I've been using an old Nokia 2720-a as my daily driver for about a year and it has honestly improved my attention span and productivity wildly. You can still undo boredom with a quick snake round (my highscore is 528 beat if you can) and it has 10 mb of memory which means i can fit a song in there and it has built-in radio it's great! Only issue i've had is that "society" expects you to have a smartphone by now and in school for example they wanted us to install an app to do an activity and I had to explain to the teacher that I was using a 2009 nugget


I quit the smartphone two months ago with a dumb phone and I say that it has been the best decision I have made. No more stress and I feel more productive and get more quality sleep and the best part is that I get to spend valuable time with my family. People look at me like if I was from another planet when I pull my dumb phone but who cares..


I just got my dumbphone two days ago! I'm super excited. It was a small change because I'd already gotten rid of all social media and I only needed a phone that had the features I needed (GPS, calendar, etc). I'm still in the honeymoon phase, but I'm very excited to be "used to" the dumbphone. Nokia 2760 btw. $20 and has everything you need, highly recommend


I'm 55 years old and remember times before the internet and phones. I managed to travel, study and work without any hassle. I have a smartphone and laptop for my job, but use a Nokia dumb phone the rest of the time. My only priority was call quality. A Nokia 8000 has 4g calling and is excellent 👍


I use a dumb phone (more like 3) and I use social media and other stuff on my computer


I did this a couple years ago and I’m so happy that more and more people are doing it. Gives me hope for the future.


I can’t stand Facebook or social media anyway. I just watch YouTube and learn.


Only NO PHONE is smart. The simcard is the biggest enemy of mankind


After watching this video via my Nokia 2780, I immediately subscribed! I am typing this comment via the Nokia keypad. Haha. 😃


I accidently broke my iPad around 4 months ago and I haven't got it repaired yet. I didn't realise until I broke it how much I was using it and how much time I was wasting! I've been so much more productive and happy since not using it. I have a really cheap phone so had pretty much everything on my iPad anyway. Great video Darby 😁


I bet you are watching this on your smartphone


As someone who didn't have a smartphone until 3G shutdown forced my hand in the end of 2021 (and who switched to a smart phone with a flip phone factor a few days later), hearing a person talk about how phones are vital to banking and what do if you're bored without a smartphone is just so *wild* to me. I suppose it's hard to miss what you don't have.

As for the embarrassment of having a flip phone in public - I had my old flip phone so long that it sort of went from an outdated relic to a novelty. And, of course, my current flip phone is definitely a novelty. Seeing people's eyes go wide when I show them that I have Instagram and Spotify on a flip phone is still fun. So is watching people watching me tweet via a T9 keypad.


Something important to remember is that it doesn't have to be one way or the other, as you can use a smartphone and not also 'be used by it'; you can have a thought and not have it affect you, or think a thought and not feel the need to act on it, or have the ability to do something but not feel that you must do it; this is called mindfulness. We can have this amazing and useful technology, and at the same time have it not be to our detriment that we use it. Using a dumbphone is probably the best way to get to the point where using a smartphone will no longer be to your detriment.


It's sad how smartphones have affected people, the addiction to instant validation and responses is seriously damaging. There have been reports of kids harming themselves because they didn't get "likes" and attention. Whenever i see videos like this it confirms my decision to never get a smartphone, some people are amazed and confused about how i live without one. I have a "dumb" phone, that's enough for me, i really only use it to play music anyway. Don't be scared of boredom, it stimulates creativity and imagination.


I like your video. I agree it's boredom that we try to change and the change becomes a great distraction. Thank you.


Great that you found what we have known as our lives. I am 62 years of age and grew up without computers, without portable telephones. I have known black-and-white television, yeah, TV was around. Radio was mid-wavelength and USW. We had musicassettes and 8-mm. film wind-up movie cameras. When I jobbed for some money as a cashier at a little supermarket I had every price in my head. I knew the phone numbers of dozens of people by heart. To call someone I dropped coins into a booth phone where there were also printed directories. My first cellphone I bought in 2008, a Nokia 1208. I should love to still be able to use it but as much as I know these models can’t be upgraded to 4G or 5G. I’m a mechanic and repair mechanical things. That’s satisfying. I pity the fools who fear that the end is nigh should their smartphone quit functioning. What a poor world is this? I find it wonderful that you got to this point.


I am very surprised to find more people doing this. I've been using my old Sony Ericsson Walkman W995 for several months now and I'm quite satisfied with the results: I feel like I waste less time on useless things and concentrate more.
I chose the Sony Walkman because I love listening to music in my daily life.

Excellent video! Congratulations!


While I applaud those who are able to live in the modern app-centric world without a smartphone, I think a smarter and more realistic solution would be to remove social media, streaming, games and other non-essential apps and turn off notifications for all remaining apps except phone and your default messaging app. This is what I've done and it's been amazing. I only get notified for phone calls and messages. Not even email. My iPhone is now a tool and no longer an entertainment device. If I need directions, I've got a maps app. If I need to access my money, I've got a banking app. If I want to watch a video, play a game or check my socials, I'll need my iPad. My iPhone doesn't do that anymore.
