The Drawing of Three (Dark Tower Book 2) - REVIEW

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My review of The Drawing of Three by Stephen King. Book 2 of the Dark Tower series.

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I have a couple things. First of all, you seem to be a little confused on when this was written. This book was first published in 1987. HE WAS ON A LOT OF DRUGS. That's one year after he wrote IT. He didn't really get off his drug addictions until 1995 (I read his autobiography). So he's not trying to go back to his druggy effect. This IS the druggy effect in action.

Another thing is that I'm absolutely baffled that his masterful pacing and suspense was not mentioned a single time. This book literally had me on the edge of my seat throughout and was one of the most fun books I've ever read. The scene in Balazar's tower blew me away. It's all personal preference, but did you really not feel the same?


Yah if you dislike the weird and the worldhopping then you'll probably not like the rest of the journey. I'd still encourage you to at least try book 3 but that may be my love of the series showing.

Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?


I wasn’t a big fan of the first one and the second one I thought was a bit better but still not sold. I did what you did, I put the dark tower down for a while and read some other stuff. But holy hot damn is book 3 good, I thought I was going crazy when I read it, I couldn’t believe the step up in quality from the other two. It feels more grounded in his setting and it draws so much purpose from its characters and situations. Books 3-5 are fantastic.


Dude seriously said that King saw that the internet liked when he was on drugs, and wrote this book in 1987 accordingly.

It's not too late to pull the plug on this one, chief.


I can see where you're coming from in this video, but I have to disagree with you on almost every point. The Dark Tower is one of my three favorite fantasy series of all time, and I found The Drawing of the Three to be a very enjoyable read (and it is The Drawing OF THE Three, not The Drawing of Three). It isn't the best book in the series (the fourth book is), but I think it has some of the most immediate, action-packed writing Stephen King has ever put out (just tell me the gunfight where Roland and Eddie were all but naked was boring, or that the scenes with Jack Mort later on didn't just MOVE). Also, you keep referring to this book as if it was one King had just recently written. It was published back in 1987, thirty-one years ago, and that was back before King sobered up. His writing style was a lot different back then, and he wasn't always a terribly mature storyteller. Oh, and as for the story having no focus, even at this point, THIS early in the series, can't you feel the weight of the Tower? Can't you feel how much the idea of the Tower is propelling Roland forward? I understand this is just your opinion, so I don't hate you for putting the book down so much, I just don't think you were being terribly fair with it.


You obviously don't know when this was written


It's fine to take a break man. I will say, that dimension and universe hopping is a very centered thing in the whole series, and there will be more of it to come. But if you want motivation to pick up the rest of the series, I will say that the 4th book (Wizard and Glass) is my favorite Fantasy book that I have read to date. About 80 or 90% of that book is a flash back to Roland's time in Eld before the world moved on. And it's the book that finally shows you his motivation and obsession with the Tower. It has some glorious glorious action and one of the most painful and at the same time beautiful romantic relationships that I've seen in a King book. Also the world that Roland lives in (before it moved on) feels almost like the Wizard of Oz with this walled city and it's very castle-like or dream-like.


I'm having trouble recalling a time I disagreed with somebody else so wholeheartedly. first of all as another user commented this book was written during the height of his drug addiction. and it's also the reason I finished the series I was pretty nonplussed by the opening book but Drawing of the Three made me fall in love and I'm just having a hard time understanding how somebody could dislike it so much


You need to stick in for book four. I doubt you will like 3, but I guarantee you will LOVE book four -especially if you're well-versed in the King mythology. Trust me, it's what you want.


stick with it brah! this is a world building book. its basically all a setup for the rest of the series. STICK WITH IT


at least give it until wizard and glass at some point, i think it or wastelands is the best.


I agree wholeheartedly with most of the comments. You must keep reading. The bigger picture comes into focus the further you go. I wanted to put it down several times but I decided that I must also reach the tower before I could do so. It was all worth it. On a side note the character development in this series is one of the best I have ever read.


Hi like all ur videos hi from uk 🇬🇧!! Just one question who is ur favourite author???


I have to tell ya, the fourth book, "Wizard and Glass" is pretty much a stand alone origin story, and, honestly from your description, would be EXACTLY what your looking for. Religious/folklore undertones, gritty western vibe, epic fantasy, and amazing character development. Its seriously one of my favorite books of all time, independent of the rest of the Dark Tower series.

"...a really lotta f'in weird character!" haha. It hurts me that Eddie didn't win you over. I love Eddie as a character... I have a weird empathy toward addicts fighting their own demons and struggling to become heros/anti-heros. But yeah, King is weird, no question about that. Definitely a different flavor of fantasy/horror. Personally, I'm a big fan, but I see your points.

Really hope you get to Wizard and Glass at some point. I think you'll love it. (Just gotta get past Blane the Mono... stupid train...)


I love your stuff Daniel, but I think you dropped the ball on this one. You speak as if you were under the impression that The Drawing of The Three was somehow published last year or something? It was published in the 80s. King was still very much on drugs. Your entire analysis of this book is just... Wrong. You didn't seem to do even the most basic research for this video. It surprises me a great deal because almost every other video I've seen from you have been on point. Mind you, it is totally fine to not like the book. That's not my complaint. Just your analysis of how he's trying to write drug-free and capture his long lost glory etc. It's just... Wrong. Supremely wrong, even.


Hey Daniel, love your videos. Dark Tower is one of my favorite series, and I love talking about it to other readers. Personally I loved Drawing of Three, thought it had some really unique segments and had a masterful ending. BUT I do get where you are coming from; The Gunslinger had this ominous, more powerful tone and was a fascinating tale told through rich evocative prose. It was Stephen at one of his most poetic periods.


I love this series. It's not a celebration of addiction but about an addict finding redemption. This was a great book that really opened the world/s out.


King is a masterful story-teller and only a so-so writer, I think he'd even say that. Opposite of grrm, who is great writer, horrible story-teller. I prefer king.


"tried so hard to be weird and kooky"
>has yet to, by this point, read The Waste Lands


Am I weird for liking a book due to a single scene/bit? Like, drawing of the three has been my favourite of the series simply because of the bit when Roland/Eddie buys bullets. That's it! That bit is one of my favourite bits in any book I've ever read...
