The Cosmere Reading Order - The Ultimate Guide For Navigating the Cosmere

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The Cosmere is a shared universe of fantasy novels, novellas, and short stories by American Fantasy Author, Brandon Sanderson. It’s a universe of multiple different series and stories within it that all have some connection to each other. Some connections are very tenuous whilst others are very obvious. But what order should you be reading the series in? What is the optimal reading order for this growing connected universe?

Well the answer to that depends very much on the person asking the question. Are you someone brand new to the Cosmere looking to get a good starting ground? Are you someone who has read all of the Cosmere and want to do a reread? Or are you someone looking for the optimal Cosmere order that will help you make al the little connections as you go from story to story?

The answer to these questions will determine the direction you should take to read through the Cosmere. Luckily for you I’ve taken the time to compile three primary reading orders based on your specific goals. In this video we’ll be going over these three reading orders, who they’re designed for, and what to look out for as you begin your journey.

I’ll keep this list simple and I’ll avoid any and all plot spoilers as far as I’m able. If you have your own reading order that you prefer, please feel free to leave them in the comments below...

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Here's my input: starting with Stormlight IS a viable (and advantageous) option! I and at least three of my friends all did it. I think if someone can handle the length, Stormlight is the strongest hook to the Cosmere and will keep them reading.


First 5 seconds of you speaking I said that must be a fellow South African. Checked your about and I was correct. Nice high quality videos! Definitely gained a sub


With the introduction of the Year of Sanderson, I think I’d put Tress as the first book for a noobie to the Cosmere even thought they will miss all of the Cosmere implications, it will make Hoid stand out more as you run across him later and I think it’s the most approachable book in the Cosmere for anyone whether they are into fantasy or not.


I coincidentally happened upon reading them in pretty much exactly the newbie order you suggested. I started with Era 1 Mistborn and just finished Warbreaker. Going into Era 2 next, then probably continuing with the same basic layout. Thought that was a bit of a funny coincidence


Your second guide was quite evenly paced. It's a big help, though I've already read the standalones. Thank you.


I think Emperor's Soul is the best place to start, then whatever series you/re most interested in.
It's short and very very good.


I didn't know anything about Sanderson and just picked up Way of Kings at a used bookstore on a Whim and fell in love. I'm halfway through Words of Radiance now and this makes me wanna restart so I can catch all the Easter egg's i probably missed. THANKS!


Thank you! Really appreciate the list on screen and concise summary of reasons for each reading order. I've watched a few videos on reading orders and a few of them just briskly mention era 1 and era 2 without even letting us know what are in those eras.


First of all, apologies for my long absence! Second - wow, great artwork!
My first Cosmere contact was Mistborn, the original trilogy, which I didn't like well enough to read the Wax and Wayne trilogy that follows. Only after devouring the first of the Stormlight Archive books, The Way Of Kings, did I grab Elantris, which I love, and Warbreaker, which I like. I might try and find another Sanderson, following one of your descriptions, Raven, though it's a bit difficult to switch between Malazan Book of the Fallen and the Cosmere. I recently finished my 15th readthrough of Book of the Fallen, still crying over the main character of Deadhouse Gates and at the end of The Crippled God, realizing I still don't know even remotely enough to do a video series. You have a LOT of work before you, my friend.
You probably don't remember, but I'm the one who has problems with Wheel of Time, the only series I can't seem to read, though I like it. Now I've tried to watch it - same. I hope that at some point, when I'm well enough to come back regularly, we might find the time to have that talk we agreed to. Despite my absence, I know you started making Wheel of Time videos. I bet by now you remember me and despair (; yep, I'm the one with the horrible, overlong comments. As I said, I'm vey sorry I was gone so long. I believe you can reach your goal! You work hard and invest a lot of thought in your research. I'm looking forward to watching the videos I've missed. Till then, all the best 🌍🌲
I knew I could rely on you! Just a few days ago I wished there was a sequel to Elantris. Just saw in your list there is The Hope Of Elantris. Hope I can find it. White Sand is a graphic novel, not a "normal" novel?
second edit: Raven, I'm sorry, I need to be quick, I can't sit up that long yet can you please tell me where/in which collection I can find Hope of Elantris, is it in Arcanum Unbounded? Search engine lead me to Amazon, but they just have the title listed, with no hint of where to find it. Thanks a million. Sorry to be a bother.


I read the Cosmere in publication order. Worked for me, but your suggestions are better :P


My reading order was all over the place hahaha.
- Way of Kings
- Words of Radiance
- Oathbringer
- White Sands (after i discovered he did a graphic novels series)
- Rhythm of War
- Elantris and the novellas
- Warbreaker
- Edgedancer (once I found out there were books between books :D)
- Dawnshard
- Rhythm of War
- Mistborn era 1
- Shadows for Silence (arcanum unbounded finally lool)
- Sixth of the Dust (my favourite short story)
- Alloy of Law
- Shadows of Self
- Allomancer Jak
- Secret History (started it after i finished Mistborn era 1, seemed like a recap, stopped reading.... That was a mistake....)
- Currently reading Bands of Mourning

And you know what? I still enjoyed every moment :P Reading orders are nice, but I never missed out on all the nods, crossover characters, or references. Sanderson is just that masterful at his craft. You always know when it's lore-o'clock hahaha


Well... My reading order was weird, to say the least, but in the end, it actually worked. But the orders you showed here are much better ;)


I started the cosmere in 2020 with The Way of Kings
And I just finished reading through The well of ascension 2 days ago and today I started The hero of Ages

Looking at these reading orders just puts into perspective how odd my cosmere reading order was

The way of kings
Words of Radiance
Rhythm of war
Sixth of the dusk
(I can't remember the name)
Hope of elantris
Mistborn: The Final empire
The emperor's soul
Mistborn: The well of Ascension

Mad really.
Anyway, I really enjoyed The Emperor's Soul. It's an honest contender for the spot of my favourite Cosmere book it was just wow


Do you wanna update this list? With tress and mistborn 7 or is there already a video planned?


I like these suggestions. I first read Warbreaker, then Elantris. I next jumped into the only two Stormlight books available at the time. Then it was all six Mistborn novels and Arcanum. And finally any odds and ends as released by Brandon.

I still think you should read his sequel to Sixth of the Dusk, probably last in the first two orders…


Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer, Oathbringer, Rhythm of War, Warbreaker, Elantris


I read The emperor’s soul and then Warbreaker. Loved them both, but I wouldn’t recommend starting with The emperor’s soul only because you are thrown in the deep end in Sanderson’s works and I found myself a little confused at times, but overall enjoyed it. I think upon a reread it will sit better with me :)
Thanks for sharing this video:)


What about Arcanum Unbounded and “Tree of the Emrald Sea” series? (for 2nd reading order)


my reading order is probably terrible. I went to read Elantris, The first Mistborn book and would have read the way of kings simultaneously. but my mother grabbed the way of kings and barely red it. so after finishing Elantris/mistborn I have been reading the well of ascension and WoK, The hero of ages and Words of Radiance. my way is the path of extreme ADHD (not even including non cosmere books that I'm actively reading. *cough* wheel of time *cough* name of the wind *cough*).... send help.


Someone should really make a list for those of us who messed up and started and powered through Stormlight
