Making a DIY Solar Eclipse Viewer from an old toilet roll

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In a few days time – 10th June 2021 to be exact – we will be experiencing a solar eclipse, a sight that so many of us are excited to be able to experience.

The number one rule when viewing the sun (eclipse or no eclipse) is NEVER LOOK AT THE SUN DIRECTLY. Not even with sunglasses on! You can seriously damage your eyes – so DON’T DO IT!

You may hear or read about astronomers using telescopes to view eclipses – but this should only be done using proper filters specifically designed for the job.

Without such equipment the only safe way to experience an eclipse is using specially made googles (please buy from a reputable retailer) or via a projection, and luckily setting up a projected image is super easy!

Here I make a quick and easy viewer from an old toilet roll insert – make sure to check out the making videos.

Why not watch, make you own, and then let me know how you get on?

Finally don’t forget – NEVER USE YOUR EYES – you need them!
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