April 1, 2024

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Everybody's been asking me what I did to cause the gal in the Cadillac Escalade to call the cops on me. A picture is worth a thousand words!!! Everybody's also been asking if the story is real or fake. I'll be doing a YouTube Live to answer that question and to discuss all things Cadillac Karen.
#farmlife #karen #farmerprotest
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They move to the country and complain about the farmers


I moved to an area with a dairy behind us. The flies were horrible, but it was our decision, and we loved touring the farm. The neighbors got a petition together to demand that the dairy move. I threw a fit on these neighbors. The dairy had been here for decades, and these jerks had the gall to demand that the dairy move.


In other manure spreader sales reach an all time high 😂


I was watching a news clip and a woman was complaining about the farmers being in the way and going slow on the road. She said they needed to quit and find another job. The reporter asked her where she'd get her vegetables if the farmers all quit? She said, "I'll just buy them in the can." Some people worry me.


Living in central Iowa, I haven’t had a good week until I’ve been stuck behind a harvester. God bless our farmers and ranchers. Without them, we don’t eat.


When my Mom passed away the funeral procession went from the city to a rural town cemetery near where they lived. As the procession rounded a back road a farmer was on his tractor plowing. When he saw the parade of cars he stopped plowing, stood up on his tractor held his head low, put his hat over his heart and you could tell he was praying while we passed by him.. Anyone who can have that much respect for someone they don't know has all my respect and admiration. That's the soul of a farmer. God bless you sir!


This man made my day. Have good day king!


I will never forget... my sister and I were following my dad who was hauling two horses in a trailer that had half high doors. We were to help keep an eye on Blue a horse that didn't trailer well. We got cut off by some idiot who proceeded to tailgate the trailer and blow its horn. We could hear the tailgater laughing until... Blue had diarrhea all over their car. My sister and I just laughed as we passed the idiots.😊 Good job Blue.


When we were in high school we had some jack-ass neighbors that would throw stones at us when drove past on a tractor. One day my brothers buddy was hauling cowshit while we did our chores. And as usual, stones were thrown at him. He stopped the tractor, backed into their driveway, and unloaded the entire load of cowshit in their driveway. Their mother called my dad and he said that he knew nothing about it. Problem solved. 😊


Coming from a person who lived in the country for 30 years. When you get behind a tractor hauling stuff. Just follow them at s safe distance.


This made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!! LOVE IT!!


Someone give this guy a trophy or something 👏


I appreciate and honor farmers..most of the time they move at a good clip..I also appreciate when a farmer Akers the attempt to pull over without stopping and give me a chance to pass..THERE ARE TIMES THAT IS NOT FEASIBLE..those times I just put something on my phone to keep my mind off of the fact that I'm a tad bit inconvenienced but WHO CARES..THOSE FARMERS ARE GOLD AND WE NEED TO RESPECT WHAT THEY DO FOR US


"Not only does shit happen, it also falls on your head."

~George Carlin


Sometimes that little guy on your shoulder whispers the funniest solution in your ear. This is the best.


Farmers make the world go around much respect👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


Lol, as John deere says, they'll stand behind every piece of their equipment, except the manure spreader... lol


I live in a farming community. A new lady in the area was coming down the dirt road at me. I moved over. It is a wide dirt road. Low speed limit, but when there is opposite traffic you have to move over. She didnt move. Came straight down the middle. I moved over again. She didnt. Kept coming. I moved over again, almost hit the ditch on the side. She passed me with both hands on the wheel and face forward and a look that clearly said, "I'm not moving!" I was shocked. There are like three people in this area of the valley and we dont act like that. I watched her pass and thought with an attitude like that you wont last a year out here. Sure enough, about a year later they pulled up stakes and the kitchen sink and left without a word. Our area is harsh. Sometimes hurricane force winds and gusts that'll tear the siding off your house. Dry. Gets to thirty below in the winter. Not for the faint of heart and if you cant rely on your neighbor you are screwed. Been out here full time for twenty years. Almost ten years part time before that. City people just dont get it and dont care to.


Black girl who lives in rural PA here....good job, sir! Hope she learned her lesson and thanks you every time she goes to her fridge.


"Cadillac Karen"... play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I just LOVE it!
