Horoscope of a Nowhere Man (KP Astrology)

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A "nowhere man" is a person who has no clear direction in their professional life. They might work for a family company, a partnership, or a respectable corporation, but their responsibilities are constantly shifting or not entirely apparent. Paradoxically, the same yoga that tends to leave them unanchored or unfixity-prone also makes them intelligent, aware, and well-read.
Watch this video to learn how the KP framework explains the astrology behind it and what remedies could be helpful.
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I was wondering if this would be the case in the Navamsa: I have an Aquarius navamsa = Air, D9: 5th H: Mer./Ven. Gemini and 9th H: Jup. Libra.

This seems like nowhere man…

Except: D-9 3rd H: Sun in Aries and 11th H: Sat. & Mars. in Sagittarius.
