The 5 Best Options to REPLACE Your Missing Front Tooth (Dental Implants, Bridges & More)

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Are you missing your front tooth? Let's talk about how we can fill in the gap of your missing tooth. In this video, we'll look at the top 5 best options of handling this, ranging from doing nothing to your tooth all the way to dental bridges & dental implants.


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➡️ About Dental Implant & Aesthetic Specialists:

Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists have been serving the greater Atlanta GA community since 1972. Our practice started as a full-service prosthodontics office but has grown to become a practice that does it all. Our practice consists of three amazing doctors; Dr. Brett Langston, Dr. Rachel Miro, and Dr. Mitchel House.

We specialize in restorative dentistry, giving patients natural-looking replacement teeth that stand up to the test of real life. Through our dental implant services, bridges, crowns, and more, the team makes chewing, talking, and smiling easier. Additionally, we offer teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, complete smile makeovers, and much more.

The team puts best patient comfort at the forefront, ensuring everyone has a great experience from start to finish. Our team is proud to cultivate personal relationships with patients, and the office is friendly and welcoming.

With the help of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry at Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists, it’s possible to have confidence in smiling, eating, and talking once again. You will leave feeling confident in your smile. There is a reason we have been called the best dentist in Atlanta GA by many!


🏠 Full address:

2801 Buford Highway NE
Suite 250
Brookhaven, GA 30329
fax: 404-321-1892


👀 Watch these next:

✅ The 4 Options You Must Know About Replacing Missing Teeth

✅ The Top Reasons You Should NOT Get Dental Implants

✅ The Best Practices to Prepare for Your Dental Implant Surgery

✅ The Best Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

✅ Can Dental Implants Really Break?! (You Need to Know This)

✅ What's the Cost of Getting Dental Implants?

#missingtooth #missingteeth #toothreplacement #drbrettlangston #dentalimplantsurgery #dentalbridge
Рекомендации по теме

Until the ridiculous price of implants comes down, I'll use other options. There seems to be no more fillings or crowns; it's all extractions and implants. Dentists and Periodontists have quite a nice money making racket going; have lost faith in every one of them.


You have absolutely saved me from spending a lot of money. Some dentists don't tell you all the options. I'm so thankful to your advice


I got crowns, in the front. My new two teeth are beautiful. They look so natural, my dentist's work is very impressive


Thank you sir. I live up in Canuck land and will be dealing with this situation this week. You seem knowledgable and straight up. Too bad you're not close. Cheers!


Sometimes it is not your option. Cigna would not pay for my wife's implant, they only pay for the least expensive option, which in her case was a removable bridge. We went ahead and did the implant for about $5, 000 total, Cigna paid for the extraction $350 and $550 (50% of what a removable bridge would cost). Always get any work over $200 pre-authorized so you know what they will pay ahead of time.


Pictures would be helpful for all the options discussed ~ TY 😘


I will be having one of my upper front tooth removed here shortly, trying to figure out what to replace it with. Great video!! Very informative to on point!!


Thank you! You are terrific at explaining.


To think that the government in so many countries classifies dentistry as cosmetic and it is so sad. For me, It is more than cosmetic, it is our health in risk. Through a rotten tooth there are way to transport bacteria through our blood and damage our heart, it affect our psychologic and cause depression, affect in our chance of getting a good job, relationship, insecurity, pain and death. I lost my grandfather because of a inflamated tooth. He had sepsys and died, at a very young age . My father was orphan of father when he was only 4 yeas old, and when my father grow up he decided to remove all his teeth and place denture, he had the trauma of losing his father, it was 60 years ago. It is sad that so many people suffer in UK and around the world becouse of lack of dental care.


I was missing my two that are between the Two Front and the Canines Since Birth. Original Dentist hooked me up with a Retainer to keep these apart and until I got old enough for Permanent Replacements. Got them when I was 16. A False Tooth ( one for each side ) Glued to Metal Wings and them Glued to the Front and Canines. Problem was, Didn't add enough Glue.... First one Popped out when I was in my Late 20's. No Dentist would glue it back in, since they were Not the Original Dentist.
Second One Fell around the first of this year, 2023 because it had Less Glue, So Food and Gunk got between It and my Tooth and Slowly over the years, Rotted My Front Tooth. So Now I am Missing that one also... And now I look like a Southern Inbred Missing my Front Teeth. Left to Right... Canine, Gone, Gone, Front, Gone, Canine... And only making 1300 a Month on Disability, I can't Afford a Dentist to Replace them...


Lots of DIY partial dentures available today that costs less than $15.... Realistic tooth resin set from Amazon costs $8 plus tooth repair beads $5 (mold it to act as your gums or a bridge), they last for weeks depending on your tolerance to the beads turning yellow eventually, best of all you can eat with it...once you know the drill thru trial and error it takes less than 5 minutes for the whole process to finish, here in Canada I got quoted $1, 200😢 for a single tooth this was why I discoverered and concocted my own DIY


I'm so glad I found this video!! I still had a baby tooth and it had to be pulled due to decay. I thought my only options were an implant or a bridge but wanted to weigh my options since it's in the front. So glad I found this video 🙏🏽


Great video. Everyone who gets any type of dental replacement is appreciative; however, it would be so nice if options were more affordable.


I REALLY appreciate this channel and informative forum on dental aesthetic! Ty ty


I had mine (missing front tooth) fixed with fixed dental bridge because the adjacent tooth also showed some cracks. It’s been 4 years more of less and I couldn’t be happier. A bit expensive but not as much as a full implant too.


thank you for this video, it will probably save me thousands in unnecessary dental work!


Outstanding feedback great job young man!! Sending out blessings for your business..


I got sick at work years and years ago and vomited into an automatic flush commode. My removable went along for the ride. Don't think I would've wanted it back anyway 😄


How can you floss the teeth next to the fake tooth with a resin bonded bridge? Does food get stuck to the “wings” in the back? What if you get food stuck in between teeth in the front and now the floss can’t go all the way through because the wings are blocking it.


my first three unit bridge on my lower teeth lasted 11 years before it snapped off. my five unit double bridge on my lower teeth lasted six years before some decay on one of the teeth needed to be root canaled. my second five unit bridge on my lower teeth cracked at a weak spot after 3.5 years. they seem to not last a lifetime.yes i flossed under them all the time.
