Do ALL Germans Speak ENGLISH? | Easy English 156

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Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local languages and contain subtitles in both the original language as well as in English.

Producers of this episode: Mitchell Hargreaves, Isabell Hargreaves-Schmid

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One of the funniest things about Germans is that they often say their English is terrible or that they don't speak well, and then they end up speaking flawless English with perfect grammar. 😁


The english teacher has such an amazing voice 😂


As a german i can confirm that we all speak "a little bit" of English 😀


I have known and had many German friends over the years. Without exception, their English was flawless. But not just Englidh...most spoke at least three and many five or more languages. Cheers to Maik from Stuttgart and all the Deutsch friends I have known. Prosit!!!


As a german it's often hard not to sound british by accident


The German English accent is the most low-key and "natural" sounding among non-native speakers to my ear. Whether it's them learning it in school at a young age or what I don't know but it's quite impressive. I had to strain listening to a few of these interviews to even detect their accent.


The english teacher is actually freaking beautiful and blessed with a real soothing voice


Dude the teacher has a flawless American accent and casually says she barely speaks English 😂😂


As a Japanese, I envy German because it belongs to the same Germanic language group as English, so there are fewer cultural differences when learning it.


I would say that Berlin does not "represent" all of Germany just like London does not represent the rest of the UK. The smaller a city/town the less people will speak English; the older generation i.e. people in their 70s/80s speak less English since many of them did not learn it in school. Then the level of English people speak depends on their level of education as well and their interest in keeping up with English after they leave school. For my generation (born in 1966) it was hard to come by English books and newspapers let alone videos. You had to be in a larger town and go to the train station to get the Times or Guardian for example, and it might not have been a current issue either. As for books in English, only specialty bookstores would carry them. I used to stock up on books whenever I visited England in the 1990s :-). Now, with the internet the whole world is at your fingertips.


Probably the best tip I've ever received for learning English is from my English teacher in college. Read Harry Potter in English.
And here's why: Book 1 The Philosopher's Stone is written in English for first and second graders, that is, young people who are just beginning to internalize literacy. it is extremely simple English. With each book, the level of English increases so that Book 7 The Deathly Hallows is written in the understanding of 16-17 year olds. With this series of books you can gradually expand your understanding of the language because you can only get better if you actively use English.


Utterly stunned by the English teacher. Her voice and looks are not from this world.


they often say "A little". But when they speak most of them don't even have accent. That's what I find funny, some of them speaking better than I.


Almost every german when being asked if they speak english:
"Just a little bit"


Classic German saying "just a little bit" speaks almost perfect english lol


A few days ago I saw a comment in tiktok like"im Deutschland muss Mann Deutsch sprechen" I thought things are probably different in Berlin because of its global working environment.


so i am from Germany and i am 16. i am working on my english but i don't use it often when i actually talk with people in my country. okay with my bff, i switch sometimes or the teenage slang is in english. but where i use english EVERY DAY is when i am online, on the internet. i love watching series in english or i communicate with people all around the world. not to forget listen to english music like the dude said in the video. Listening exactly to the lyrics is just like ❤❤❤❤


In Portugal we are taught British English spelling and pronunciation but TV is British shows and american shows in its original form with subtitles. Some kids lean into British English others into American English. From what I have heard Portuguese people, as Dutch people do quite well with speaking foreign languages, I say because we are a small country and have no budget for dubbing! Sometimes it pays off to be poor! (Although that doesn’t apply to Holland). Nowadays people just hate dubbed anything! We love reading and watching movies 😄


I think the best way to learn english is to watch youtube videos, because im only 13 and i understand english perfectly.
