Peter Boockvar: Is Fed Chair Jay Powell's Renomination on the Line?

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Peter Boockvar: Is Fed Chair Jay Powell's Renomination on the Line?

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Peter outstanding as always. Please keep bringing him back.


An outstanding speech from a valid macro analyst. A speech that helps self educated investors to get orientation and not loose our way in a turbulent market. Thank you for the production of this valuable session/interview/video.


Thanks for the content. I hope at some time you will do a deeper dive into QE. Specifically, there is QE in treasury obligations, QE in obligations of government sponsored entities and QE in the short-term commercial paper markets. My feeling is we need a more granual analytic framework than roral QE, especially for the effects of tapering 0n the commercial paper market and transmission of such effects into the larger macro economy. Thanks again for your work.


Thank you for your help ☝️✌️this days it’s difficult to come by people like you, I want you to know that my heart will never ever 
stop appreciate your generosity..


Saying there will be a backlog of cars to fulfil fleets for years to come may actually not be the correct thesis. When you look at research from Tony Seba and his view of a future with transport as a service robot vehicles, you get a strong sense for why fewer cars will actually be on the road. For example the average owner of a vehicle has the car parked for 95% of its existence. If you inverse that number w TAAS robot fleets you can imagine how quickly the number of cars required goes down. Real estate from gas stations are converted as residential or Parkland as well as many roadways which will no longer be needed to move fewer cars.


just talk of higher rates or taper is pressure on gold price


They have already put into place a standing Re-po facility. They might taper QE and slow down money coming in the front door but the Re-po back door is wide open. Its all smoke and mirrors. The reality is money printing will continue until it all blows up or inflates away.


An alternate explanation of why metals took a disproportional hit in today's action is about how much leverage there is. When equities take a hit, margin calls result in liquidation of assets according to an imperative to sell what is most liquid and what you can buy again without taking as much a hit (durable market). Metals (especially gold) fits that pretty well. Just riffin here but that's my take.


@ 24:41: 'when the Fed and central banks had their goal as 2% inflation... that was not an input into an econometric model... it"... (gave the Fed a boogy man) from which they could (again) use interest rates as a tool to counter inflation. Brilliant! In one sentence you explained so much. I am reminded of November 2018 when the Fed tried to 'normalize' rates. Now, Powell (knowingly) has opted to cause inflation in order to raise rates with inflation as a rationale. Thumbs up.


Fine tuning an economy with interest rates is like darning a sock with a Jack hammer.


Love the it's always sunny reference. But you really think it's about to get that bad?


If the QE was shifted to monthly stimulus checks to the lowest 60% or 80% or just universal since the gov seems to abuse means testing; anyway, all citizens get money, they try to spend said money at understaffed businesses, said businesses would need to higher people to respond to increased demand, no?
How to wind down a program like that would be a valid discussion but what’s going on now just seems crazy and they don’t know how to wind this down anyway lol.


This discussion doesn't sound very reassuring.


If assets like houses rise in price, people can tap into that equity by buying products like new cars or on services like holiday & travel. I.e. QE boosts consumption by way of asset price inflation. Consumption creates demand which which creates jobs. I don't see why you need empirical research to prove this obvious point.


BTC for $75K by end of this year& Control
of The Currency is already Decentralised And now the China disruption would simply
Decentralise the Mining setup for the better


Bockvar and Rosenberg are yin and yang.


In few years or so people will definitely be kicking themselves in regret for missing the opportunity to buy and invest in cryptocurrency .


Thank you for your help ☝️✌️this days it’s difficult to come by people like you, I want you to know that my heart will never ever 
stop appreciate your generosity..
