Jinzhou 100% Exploration – Wuthering Waves All Chests & Collectible Location

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❗ 100% Exploration /All Colectible PLaylist
❗ ALL Side Quest
❗ Farming Route Playlist
❗All Hiden Achievement

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Open Genshin and Wutering Pilot Sevice (Reliable & Done manually)

00:00 Jinzhou City Map
00:12 1
00:43 2
01:32 3
02:10 4
02:52 5
03:35 6
04:10 7
04:50 8
05:36 9
06:16 10
07:01 11
07:34 12
08:07 13
08:37 14-19
12:02 20
12:42 Jinzhou City Map
12:51 21
13:42 22
14:10 23
15:01 24
15:21 25
17:52 26
17:58 27
19:02 28
19:33 29
20:17 30
21:01 31
21:33 32
21:49 33
22:24 34
23:12 35-36
24:57 37
25:38 38
25:39 Jinzhou Castle Map
25:48 38-40
27:20 41
28:10 42 Sonance Casket
29:08 43
29:39 44 Sonance Casket
31:29 45
32:21 46
32:49 47
33:40 48-49
36:07 50
36:55 51
37:33 52
38:13 53
39:09 54
39:59 55
40:29 56
41:08 57-58
41:59 59
42:47 60
44:00 61

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Рекомендации по теме

❗ 100% Exploration /All Colectible PLaylist
❗ ALL Side Quest
❗ Farming Route Playlist
❗All Hiden Achievement


finally someone who understand that it's easier to start from beacon and go to the chest one by one. instead of suddenly appearing in one place after another


For everyone who can't get past 98%
There is a lighthouse quest nd 5th lighthouse is in dim forest near resonance nexus (beside tacet field) go do that nd u'll get premium chest after the quest nd it should make it 100%


yall I was stuck on 98% on chests (after the lighthouses quest). apparently you can do the challenge on the northern gate of the city and in the 'docks' twice? I was sure I did them before, but accidentally discovered that I can do them again. now I got 100%


For everyone who is stuck at 94%, 96% or 98% here is the quick guide, you are might missing 1 Sonance Casket location 25:54 front of tp location (or use Casket finder tool from utility ). with that you might reach 96% in that case you need to do 23:12 this Challenge completely(3 to 4 time ) than again need to do the normal Challenge to get the Chest again that why you can see 35:53 2 chest here. and finally if you stuck on 98% then you need to do the lighthouse quest (note: That's not your typical quest it will not show on the map you need to go each location around the map and solve the puzzle and that will lead you back to Jinzhou and you will get a chest and that is how you get the 100 percent) hope it will help


A few tips that I discovered:
1. the backflip challenge (14-19) seems to be easier with short characters, like Verina or Encore, because they dont seem to jump as high. So you can try using these if you have them and the challenge is difficult for you. But perhaps this is just a feeling.
2. at the end of the parkour (25), you can jump from the statue onto the green bouncy thingy in the pool (visible on the left side at around 17:26), it makes it easier to get to the final roof compared to having to jump across the street with only boost and grapple.

Other than that, thank you for the video, helped me to find a few things that I missed. :D


Wultering wave with genshin sound track is a grate addition


To the people who are stuck with 98%, teleport to the resonance beacon in between lake heights & jinzhou (the beacon is on west of the grand library). Move towards west by a few steps after teleporting. You should see a strange building and on top of it, is a sonance casket. Collect it and you should have 100%.


Stuk 98% challenge already done, muttherfly, blobfly done too.. but why me still misi 2% 🗿


There are 5 broken lighthouses throughout the map (related to historian quest)
2 chests each parkour challanenge (You can get only one chest at a time. Two attempts are needed)


Reminding myself for # 53 54 55. The past is the future side quest.


Hi, I'd like to make a suggestion for when making exploration videos, pls put some pre-requirements that players need to do to get 100% you can even put links of videos to those pre-requirements.


Maybe you have to clear all the side quest and collect the sonance caskets first, I did it and i can reach 100% just fine even before clearing the last tidal heritage.


Missing two sonance caskets, one in lake heights and another next to the Vergil chair.


If you feel you have completed the quest and think you have collected all the chests, bubfly and resonance casket but are still stuck at 98 percent, then the answer is that you have to check the gallery in the Wuwa menu.

because there is a possibility that you haven't gotten photos of the Jinzhuo scene like me.


Thank you so much for this guide, you're the best!


On this place stay Patroller Leader and he gives chest after quest


Thanks alot! i missed the new enhanced tracks :)


Missing last 2%? Look for historian near the synthesizer counter and find the 5 lighthouse for him, and bam, 100% Jinzhou!


If anyone is struggling from 2% and stuck at 98%, I would like to know that after collecting all chests and other items, visit all five terminals and collect five standard chests. After that, teleport to Jinzhou and talk to Historia. You will get a premium chest.
