Penny Lane Beatles Paul McCartney Ukulele Cover with Capt. Morgan on Bass Paradox Brewery

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Try something different and have fun too. Easy to follow self instruction in a format you already know. Learn chords and tips and play your favorite songs.

PLEASE READ They run a bit small (jus' so ya know) and they ship in less than a week.

GEAR recommendations and songbook (this is the actual stuff I use live and on the videos):

I’ve started these videos so you can get the most out of your Ukulele, 6 String electric/acoustic, 3 String Cigar Box Guitar and Shovel.

My rig for this tune:
Fender Fullerton Ukulele
Xvive U2 wireless

We are a 100% donation channel so any help is appreciated.
Thank you for your support.
Cheers, UM
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Dude, this is great!! Good looking set of strings.
