Stanford Medicine X 2015: Alicia Staley, ePatient Ignite! talk

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ePatient advisor, Alicia Staley, presents at Stanford Medicine X at Stanford University on Friday, September 25, 2015.

There are many ways to describe yourself as an ePatient: empowered, engaged, electronic, effective, efficient. I've always felt the only way to describe myself as an ePatient is through my personal ePatient mission statement:

"As an ePatient, I will work tirelessly to motivate, educate, and inspire others in the cancer communities to achieve their best health. By sharing my personal experiences with others facing a cancer diagnosis, I will do my best to improve their treatment and survivorship experiences. I will reach out to all cancer community partners including health care providers, pharma companies, and medical institutions to ensure everyone experiencing a life touched by cancer will always have the best resources and support available to them. Cancer can't beat a community!"

Using this mission statement as a guide for my work, I know that I can be an empowered, engaged health activist working to make meaningful, lasting changes in the cancer community. By drawing on my social media skills, engineering background, and in-depth understanding of the patient experience, I work to be an effective and enthusiastic ePatient.

Medicine X provides me with an opportunity to learn from the absolute best in the ePatient health care space. As a 20-year, three-time cancer survivor, I've worked very hard over the past few years to advance the patient experience in the field of oncology care.

Cancer has a way of interrupting dreams and changing the course of a survivor's life. As an undergraduate studying Mechanical Engineering, I quickly learned that great amounts of determination and grit would be required to achieve my goal of completing my degree and beating cancer. That experience reinforced how fortunate I was to have an incredible support system of family and friends helping me along the way. I try to apply every lesson I've learned in my work to help others through the difficult journey of cancer treatment. I'm constantly looking for new ways to engage and inspire the cancer community as a patient blogger. I feel I'm on a path to help improve health care in America, and it has led me directly to this program.

I know I'll learn additional skills and make new contacts at Medicine X, which will help further my dream of improving the patient experience for everyone dealing with cancer. Having the opportunity to sit next to fellow ePatients and health care professionals who are all working toward similar goals is a chance I couldn’t pass up.

I would like to learn how to help engage and empower the remaining patients that need additional help or motivation to take this journey. ePatients are special people. By having the opportunity to work with other ePatients working in other disease states like diabetes, mental health, I feel we can begin to build a set of best practices or guidelines to help others take the steps towards becoming an ePatient.
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