How I Improved My VO2 Max in 60 Days 🤯

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Now deep into training for his first marathon, Andy hasn’t just increased his mileage over the past few weeks - he’s also increased his VO2 max. But what exactly is VO2 max and how did Andy manage to improve it?

VO2 max is a measure of your cardiovascular fitness and easier to get to grips with than you might think. And even better? You can track your VO2 max with just a Garmin watch…

↓↓ Has your VO2 max changed through training? Tell us about your fitness journey in the comments! ↓↓

What’s in this video?
00:00:00 - Increasing VO2 Max for Better Performance
00:01:05 - Improving V2 Max through structured training
00:02:12 - The Importance of Consistency in Training
00:03:15 - The Benefits of V02 Max Testing
00:04:17 - Factors Affecting V2 Max and Lactate Threshold
00:05:21 - Understanding Lactate Threshold and Fitness Improvements
00:06:25 - Building Up V2 Max Score with Training Sessions
00:07:32 - Interval Sessions for Improving Running Performance
00:08:46 - Suggested Workouts for Improving V2 Max
00:09:51 - Deeper Dive into Marathon Training

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Рекомендации по теме

At 71, my VO2 Max is 49 (the gauge has a maximum of 50 for my age). It's up from 46 in Jan-Mar. I've done structured training for two 10Ks and two half-marathons this year. I'm about to start training for a marathon in April and expect that I can push it a bit higher. I'm running further than 99% of male Garmin users in my age cohort and my endurance score (6170) is in the elite range . I didn't start running until the pandemic. Garmin race predictor says I can do the marathon in 3:59:43 😂😂 It's never too late to start.


My VO2 Max was 21.2 after a couple months hiking and walking 5 or 6 miles four or five times a week it is now 22.9. With improving weather I plan to start jogging and wind sprints to improve it further. This after a bad TBI with resulting Brain surgery. And about 4 years just trying to learn to walk again. Also gaining so much weight being unable to move more than three hours a day. I feel great and excited to keep this going. 60 years old and feeling younger everyday.


Started running a little over a year ago and currently just running to get fit but also improve a 5K time, not for a race, I just run by myself. 23mins 23 to beat, going for 22 mins 30. I'm doing 3 sessions a week, fast intervals, long run (long for me at least) and an easy run. The running channel actually has been a great source of motivation!


I'm 27, started running in January and managed my first sub-30 minute 5k in March (it was very painful!). Whittled this down to 21:08 as of mid-October by running 3+ times per week every week except for 2 weeks of injury. Yesterday I did my first half-marathon and got 01:41:56, including a 21:50 5k somewhere after the 14k point! I've now just signed up for the Krakow marathon in Poland (next April). I've got myself a training plan that is 15 weeks long and starts on January 8th. I'm aiming for 3:30-3:45. Current goal is try and get a sub-20 parkrun before the end of the year (putting my trust in Dulwich!) and also get a sub-43 10k in Battersea on Dec 20th (I've never raced a 10k, my "pb" is 45:xx set during yesterday's half). But my other top goals are to get more friends into running (mostly through the promise of post-parkrun brunches) and re-connect with old friends through running.


VO2max 46; 59 years old, started running just over two years ago ( after a life long of football, volleybal and field hockey - now only running.) Ran a dozen of halfs, now training for my first full marathon Rotterdam in April. Hope to finish just under four hrs. Taking my time to prepare and you’re never too old 😉
Can’t wait ! 🏃🤞


That is a massive improvement!! My VO2 max is gradually increasing. It is now at 58 and my age is 60. This is from my Garmin watch


I am a 53 year old male who just got back into running in the summer of 2022. I had my VO2 max tested in a lab last month for the first time and it is 54.4. This was to get my base line for the program I have signed up with which will include strength training and diet. I hope to be starting it any day now. I am currently training for a fast 800/1500/mile. Thank you for your videos. They are informative and enjoyable.


Im running the Space Coast Marathon which will be my 3rd marathon on the 26th November in Florida. Great to watch your journey Andy good luck in Valenica


I love the data on the watch, it motivates me :) Beginning of the year my vo2max was 46, a month ago it was 58. As soon as i started running every second day in august, vo2max kept climbing up. THen i got covid and now i'm back to 55 after 2 weeks off. Going for the 1st run after an illness, seeing the low numbers and feeling like sh!t during the run might be depressing, but somehow i get motivated again and again.


Absolutely love the Suggest Workouts on the Garmin. I have a few events set in the calendar (I have a 5km on the 29th of November, and then have two half marathons in for next year), and find it incredibly motivating to see the suggested runs, and then see my expected finish times come down over time.


I've been running for just over a year now (aged 42) and I got my Garmin at the beginning of this year - My VO2 max has risen from 44 to 52 over the course of this year. I run between 30 and 40km most weeks and I joined a running club in April and train with them twice a week, and so I have varied sessions. I like having a reference point for myself and the metrics on the Garmin are so useful to know where you are. I am doing my first marathon in April in Manchester and the training block feels less daunting than I think it would be had I not been doing what I have been doing this year, and things like the VO2 max figure creeping up slowly but surely are definite motivators that the training is having an impact :)


I’m 47 and have been running since my early teens. My VO2max has been a very consistent 48-49 in the three years since I’ve had a Garmin capable of calculating it.
I generally do one half a year with a couple road and trail 10ks for fun.
I’ve accepted that my PRs are behind me, but have been frustrated that even as I incorporate more varied training into the mix, my VO2max has stubbornly refused to budge.


I'm 63 and according to my Garmin 245 my VO2 max is 63 which is clearly very high for my age. I have run most of my life and still run decent times for my age, ran a 74 min 10 mile race on a hilly course yesterday and I'm about 15lbs over race weight at the moment.


29 years old. Been a couch potato mostly for the last 5ish years. Been training serious again for around 3 months and my VO2max just crossed 50 after around 3 months of training.
I'm training for a half marathon and managed to run the full 21kms the first time today. Feels great to see those improvements every week!


I'm finishing a training plan for a 5k which I'll run on November 23rd. Hoping to break 30 minutes for the first time in 10 years or so. After that, I'll goal into a half marathon plan for my first half in late February.


I started running again after a long break 3 months ago. According to my Garmin, my VO2 max at the age of 47 was 39. Three months and 275km later and my VO2 max is hovering around 51.


Thanks for the amazing info! I have moved my VO2max (Apple Watch) from 30 to 49.1 in the last 10 months. I'm running 45 miles a week now (first time runner and I'm 54 yrs old, started run walking hills at the beginning of the year) and have my first half marathon ever in two weeks. I put a lot of variety in my runs...slow, fast, hills, all of the above, no two days are alike. I have been able to a half-marathon training run with average 8:55 min miles. I watch my heart rate a lot, but I don't know how hard I should run for a half marathon. My heart rate for my 8:55 pace HM, ranged from 128 early to 150 in the last few miles. My goal was to maintain a sub 9 min pace and my HR went up as I went. My max HR is 177 according to watch. I feel like I can run faster but I'm not sure what heart rate to target for 13 miles.


I just completed my first marathon back on October 29th in Washington DC running the Marine Corps marathon. Now I'm recovering from an ankle injury from the race so I can start prepping for my 10k in April. Going for a sub-40 time so definitely have some work to put in once I'm healed.


I have only recently got a Garmin Forerunner 55. A very impressive bit of kit. It has changed my running. I am now undertaking a structured plan. I don't race, so have never felt the need for training. I am 50 and my VO2 Max is currently 49.


Age 43, vo2max 53, 10k pb this year, 39mins, currently gearing up to traing for a marathon in around 3hr 15 mins
