The Oh Hellos - Theseus

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From the EP Zephyrus
released October 16, 2020

Produced by Maggie Heath, Tyler Heath
Written by Maggie Heath, Tyler Heath

Performed by The Oh Hellos

at the edges of my fingers
never quite closing round it
oh, that peace like a river
always going, but never getting

seems like maybe it’s not all that much a place
as it is a way
and ways don’t ever seem to want to
stay too still for too long

isn’t that what it’s all about?
the slow trickling thaw that sets the banks in half
the sweet melody it makes when the canyons crack
I wanna give it all I’ve got, and I want nothing
I want nothing back

whatever kingdom come, it probably won’t come quick
no mighty clarion to announce it
no single use ark to discard in an instant
like Theseus’s ship, we’ll fix the busted bits

‘til it’s both nothing like and everything
it’s always been
it’s a wonder we expect a thing to
stay the same at all

maybe that’s what it’s all about
we keep fixing what we know is only bound to break
what’s worth saving is never worth letting go to waste
I want to mend what I’ve got, instead of throwing away

ain’t nothing come easy
no, nothing comes quick
it’s gonna hurt like hell to become well
but if we set the bone straight
it’ll mend
it’ll fix
and we’ll be well

ain’t nothing come easy
no, nothing comes quick
but I want for you this: that you are well
I want for us this: that we are well
Рекомендации по теме

the venn diagram between people who got into the oh hellos after soldier, poet, king, people who just like mcyt, and greek myth nerds is one I would like to see.


I feel like a lot of people miss the point of the song - and of the EP series in general. The whole thing isn't just about change and changing away from "archaic" belief systems. It's about having your worldview, your systems, and your ideology challenged or even broken and learning to navigate that new, frightening landscape. However, at the end of the day, there's nothing wrong with holding to your guns as long as you're willing to adapt - "Until it's both nothing alike and everything it always was."

This is theme is also carried through in...well, all the songs, but this song, Hieroglyphs and Soap really hammer home that you can't just abandon everything you were. You have to learn to rebuild but also maintain the good things that are there. Otherwise you're just a house without a foundation, or holes without ship.


Even if it sounds cliche, I feel like it's referring to life. So many broken bits, it's difficult, it hurts, and sometimes we feel like giving up on fixing it. But it's beautiful, despite being imperfect, and there are some truly amazing parts of life that are so small and simple and quiet we sometimes just don't notice them: people we love caring about us, nature, good music. It keeps breaking, but it's a still a beautiful thing worth saving


You managed to summon a fandom with a single word


Me a Greek Mythological nerd who especially loves the Greek heroes stories: “oh h0 HO look what we hAVE he-“
The comment section: “TIMMY TOMMY AND THE PIG WITH A K N I F E”


Title: Theseus
Like 2% of the comments: *hehe, Tommie*


I feel like this is a direct response to Glowing beforehand. In Glowing, they pointed out the things wrong with our systems and our beliefs whilst trying to install hope into us by saying that it’ll all be okay in the end. In Theseus they say that change is a long and scary process, that we should stop attempting to fix something inherently broken and like Theseus’s Ship we should start to replace the parts that are broken with new bits that are similar yet different to our old ways. What systems you ask? That’s the greatness of it, you can choose any system or belief structure you want and apply the same logic.


POV: you’re the Oh Hellos watching all the MinecraftYT fans flock to this song


I love the power and resistance underneath the tone of this song and in the lyrics.
"Theseus battled and overcame foes that were identified with an archaic religious and social order."
Just so perfect for one of the songs on this finishing ep


me, already a fan of the oh hellos and newly a fan of the dsmp, realizing this song is called theseus: *o h*


edit edit: dude if you’re here just to spread negativity, please keep it to yourself. people are enjoying a nice song, and that’s cool :] i’m seriously not in the mood to whip out my 70-paged essay defending my right to enjoy minecraft content lol


*rubs hands together* where the DSMP animators at


2:31 This instrumental just reminds me of a huge ship riding along rocky waves, a captain laughing as he turns the ship through mazes of jagged rocks and a young teenager experiencing it all for the first time, staring in awe at the vastness of the sea as they hang from the ropes at the sides of the ship.


At the edges of my fingers
Never quite closing ‘round it
Oh, that peace like a river
Always going, but never getting

Seems like maybe it’s not all that much a place
As it is a way
And ways don’t ever seem to want to
Stay too still for too long

Isn’t that what it’s all about?
The slow trickling thaw that sets the banks in half
The sweet melody it makes when the canyons crack
I wanna give it all I’ve got, and I want nothing
I want nothing back

Whatever kingdom come, it probably won’t come quick
No mighty clarion to announce it
No single use ark to discard in an instant
Like Theseus’s ship, we’ll fix the busted bits

Maybe that’s what it’s all about
We keep fixing what we know is only bound to break
What’s worth saving is never worth letting go to waste
I want to mend what I’ve got, instead of throwing away

'Til it’s both nothing like and everything
It’s always been
It’s a wonder we expect a thing to
Stay the same at all

Ain’t nothing come easy
No, nothing comes quick
It’s gonna hurt like hell to become well
But if we set the bone straight
It’ll mend
It’ll fix
And we’ll be well

Ain’t nothing comes easy
No, nothing comes quick
But I want for you this: that you are well
I want for us this, oh:
That we are well
That we are well
That we are well


I just want The Oh Hellos to blow up. I want them to get popular and do great. I love them so much and they give me such hope. I just want the very best for them. ❤️


i DO want to give it all i've got! and i don't want anything back! i want to be unselfishly kind and i want to take care of the people around me! i love humanity and i want to repay all the kindnesses i've ever felt!


Anyone here not know jackshit about Minecraft youtubers and just really vibing with this song?




also can I just say I LOVE all of their cover art


Every new Oh Hellos song is just a boost to my mental health


“Welcome home, Theseus”
technoblade was right.
