The Cuban Revolution, 1959

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This video looks at the Cuban Revolution.

There are 2 Essential Questions:
1. What was Cuba like prior to the Cuban Revolution of 1959?

2. Who was Fidel Castro and what did he do?
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Why so many downvotes? Excellent video !! Visual and simplified.


I sincerely thank you because this video helped me to study and I can teach my students with this.
I really appreciate your hard work.
God bless you.


comments - 0 (when there is clearly 3)

YouTube - drunk


I feel like the only reason they make these videos is to give kids grief


Someone else said there were 22 survivors?


this was posted on the first day of online school for my school


This video is rife with historical inaccuracies.

1. Batista did not hold absolute power. He was a powerbroker who's hold on power depended greatly on his ability to placate a variety of different interest groups. His "puppet presidents" exercised agency from Hevia to the elected Gomez. In fact, Gomez was impeached by congress because he vetoed the 9 cent tax law on sugar, a law Batista supported. Mendieta challenged Batista's power on a variety of occasions during his tenure. And sergeants under Batista like Pablo Rodriguez exercised a tremendous degree of power in their own right.

2. Batista was in no way right wing. If anything he was center left. The aforementioned 9 cent tax was to fund his rural education program. 20 years before Castro! Moreover, Batista initiated the most expensive social program in the history of Cuba. All of the schools and hospitals "established in 1959" were actually built under Batista's administration.

3. I think worst of all this video fails to see that there were 3 distinct iterations of Batista's time in office. Strongman 1933-39, Democratically elected President 1940-44, and dictator 1952-58. Each iteration is uniquely characterized. Batista's brutality was most significantly seen from 1956-58. After a series of high profile assassinations and the uptick in urban terrorism on the part of the rebels. And there is no evidence that Batista ordered or even had specific knowledge of the atrocities being committed by his people. They were given cart blanche to deal with the rebellion. And as in any time of war, atrocities occurred.


Good facts, but sadly narrated in a basic, elementary-school English language style
