Protestantism Is a Ticket to Hell for Many | The Vortex

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It is a heresy, and those who believe it are in danger of being damned.

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All of my fallen away once Catholic friends & some family are so obstinate in this reality; that I believe only divine intervention will help them.
And so we pray 🙏🏾🌹


A Catholic priest or bishop who continues to perform his priestly functions while knowingly denies the truth of Christ, as in supports pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-family causes, is also a heretic and is living a lie. Not to mention he is endangering not only his own soul, but the salvation of others, which according to the Gospels, is a far more serious offense against the Holy Spirit. Christ warns against false teachers and speaks harshly against those in ministry who abuse their authority. A millstone around their neck! In these last days, we had better know who we put our trust in, man or God.


What about the NovusOrdo RCC SEMINARIES that propogate false doctrines? Panchamamma Incan idols worship at the Vatican Amazon Synod OCTOBER 2019?


Keep spitting the truth Mr.Voris. There are some people that appreciate your charity. People seem to forget about the Catholics who were Martyred for saying uncomfortable things.


Same is true for Catholics, not just Protestants. There was a time when Catholic priests and Protestant ministers would work together in shared collaboration. The most common example is the French and Dutch resistance during WWII. You know, Michael, it would be better to find areas in common instead of poking fault with protestants. Doesn't scripture point out the plank in your own eye!


The definition sounds like so many bishops, cardinals and the pope


Can you do this with apostolic churches e.g orthodox, church of the east because they don’t believe in some dogma and doctrines


As a forner protestant, I approve this message. "Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you have no life in you." We should have compassion on bread and grape juice Christians and tell there where the true Bread of Life may be found.


My catholic church is reverant and we receive Christ kneeling and on the tongue.🙏


The fact that Protestants have thousands of differing and competing denominations should make it clear that it is wrong, but this fact doesn't seem to phase many. I've heard some argue that you can have Christ without the church, which just baffles me...


I am a senior citizen and live in a retirement community and I don't have a car. The only way I can share my faith is over the Internet.


Protestant: Steals a Navy Seal training book thus he is an official Navy Seal and wants to be taken serious. Protestants will tell you that Taco Bell is authentic mexican cuisine😆 Silly little rabbits but gotta love em and pray for their soul and conversion.
Through the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we beg of you the conversion of sinners. Gloria tibi Domine.


To think all these Protestants deny Blessed Mother and don’t have Her intercession before the Holy Trinity and Her Son is a terrifying thought.


Im not a Catholic, though I want to be one I don't know where to go.


I was saved from Protestantism in 2017. I brought my wife with me shortly there after. I pray and hope others will pray as well that my friends and family who refuse to pursue the truth would repent and come home as well. I am constantly baffled by how many who think I am going to hell for being Catholic refuse to engage me in charity and search the Scriptures with me to see which of us is right. It seems many of my family and friends are afraid because they know they don't have answers to my challenges and either don't want to do the work and/or are afraid of the consequences of coming to the conclusions I did. Please pray for them.


Oh please, can’t we accept that Our Lord loves everybody? Even those we cannot understand, and find it hard to love ourselves? My auntie was Church of England all her life. She never understood what her sis, my mum, saw in Catholicism; when she died last year, I was praying the rosary. The Ave Maria played on the radio twice that night; and at her Protestant funeral the vicar said the Hail Mary over her coffin, quite spontaneously. I know she is safe in Gods care, and I believe Our Lady has let me rest assured in this.


The greatest achievement of protestantism is giving birth to relativism, which is the root of all modern heresies and "ideological teratologies."


As Catholic men we must pray for them as Jesus ordained. Nothing is impossible for GOD. I’m a convert and know you speak truth. We are in negotiating other’s a sin. Our prayers must go out for that purpose or we fail as well. I love you and your keep speaking the truth


There's a lot of people out there who just don't care.


Asking for prayers that I would learn to evangelize. This is something I deeply struggle to do and it is shameful.
