Livewire or Vue.js: Which to Use When?

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Livewire is great, Vue also great. Using both.

Livewire for front part of app (i mean that one, which users saw when came to site) and SEO. And Vue for back part (which is not opened for search engines so its more like admin part but for other category of users).

We absolutely could use Inertia for SEO but in my tests - livewire has 3 times less weight and loads faster.

Livewire 2 was really bad in terms of perfomance. But now we have 3 and it was completely rewrited as far as i know so now its actually very fast.


Thank you for this Video. My reason for going to VueJS was purely to keep my JS knowledge up to date in a world where JS is taking over. I don't regret the decision.


I used both introduced livewire in my old company and now working with vue3 and from my perspective vue3 is superior but also harder to begin with for sure, once you have the foundation vue is better


I learned and used Livewire 2 in my previous training project. After that, I decided to learn modern vanilla JS and now re-making the project with JS modules in conjunction with pure CSS, SCSS and Vite. And I found this stack really powerful and having unlimited possibilities. The one downside is manually defining routes and writing fetch() functions. But you can really do anything you need. The number of lines of JS code is about the same as with Livewire, but now all frontend logic located in right directory, has clean structure and builded by Vite in a single js module. I don't know Vue.js yet and want to learn it next. But I don't want to return to Livewire.


I have used laravel with livewire, laravel with inertia react, laravel with vuejs. However, I am more comfortable using Inerta+React, because React has lots of packages, and Laravel too. so I think it's a perfect combination. so when creating a new project, I always use breeze with inertia and react


i think the reason vue comes first .. so the early devs adopted vue. and the new devs and upcoming devs will go with livewire.


For more flexibility, VUE.js (with Inertia)


Big problem with Vue and Inertia is making API's, parsing the JSON handling all the errors, etc etc. Livewire makes that soo much easier. If that was different I might try Inertia with Svelte


To me, I don't see livewire as a complete alternative to Vue. I find myself having to use livewire with alpine to get similar reactivitiy and functionality as Vue. But even then, I find livewire/alpine falls short in certain areas like lifecycle hooks. Another example is, in Vue, I can encapsulate all logic in a single component whereas I have to split my logic between livewire classes and in alpine which makes it harder to maintain and debug



I use what tickes my fancy that day😂😂


I believe the concept behind Livewire is excellent, but I sometimes struggle to understand the interactions between the browser and server. I hope the Laravel team's support will clarify this aspect.


I am learning Vue because I think it will open more doors in the future and want to avoid to be stuck in the Laravel bubble. (I could take a Nuxt js project for example). But I come from frontend background so is easier for me. Although, I do think if you are a laravel developer you should know at least the basics of Livewire.


i use livewire since livewire 1, due to date, i still struggle need to vite/npm/webpack vue, reactjs, tailwind, every single time of change a line of code.


This helps somewhat for the question I asked on another video a few days ago. I do have another request for a possible video. What technologies can work together, vs those that are either or situations. From my understanding, vue, react, and livewire are mostly either/ or tech stacks. But how bout alpine? If i utilize filament for a backend, can that be used with a vue or react frontend? ( i think the answer is yes, but how much configuring would I need to do for both to work together )

And blade, does vue/ react mostly replace blade, or does it supplement blade?

And from my understanding JS frameworks require an API set up (unless you use intertia?), so would that mean I either use an API controller vs a regular controller? Or do you need both?

And if you start with livewire, how much of a pain would it be to switch to react or vue? I'm not swapping yet, cause right now livewire seems to be working for most things as my components are fairly basic at this stage, but I'm thinking long term performance on a big site. If I'm going to potentially have issues, I want to get things started in the right direction now, rather than spending money reworking things later. My main concern is handing many users at once and data security. There are just so many tech stacks that its getting a bit overwhelming trying to figure out all the different processes that I would have to alter going from one system to another.

Some sort of quick summary video of various setups of tech stacks or any other of the laravel official packages could be helpful if you have the time


Personally I've decided to stay away from inertia and rather just do API with a frontend framework(Nuxtjs). And livewire if I'm using laravel for frontend. HTMX is also something I'm considering.


Livewire is so slow on development when connect with database, like need 3s to apply the change on the browser. am I the only one experiencing this?


Just curious to know one thing here. Although there has been discussion a lot which stack is preferrable ( livewire or vue) for what project. But I was eager to know which one of them is preferrable to use in regard to SEO. If anyone knows about it please kindly share it. Thanks


what about you is a livewire can used for big projects?


I just can't understand. Why doesn't anyone mention server side rendering. Is SSR no longer relevant in 2024?


If you plan to use any major libraries or add-ons then you probably want Vue or React or Svelte.

Livewire is not really even acknowledged by and large in the JavaScript community. Not big enough.
