Roland Williams: Our Society Is Self-Destructive: #socialissues #recovery #spirituality #wisdom

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This is a good point. People are so reactive and quick to blame others instead of being okay in the quiet moments. It’s not that life should be about suffering and we shouldn’t try to make it better, but people are so selfish nowadays they create more havoc just by trying fight for what they want rather than being comfortable in the present and being co-creators


i can confirm this, alot of times i alwaus thought, i don't feel good, this must means i am not living life properly and then i will proceed to do something i believe will make me feel alive


When we don’t feel good, thats our internal alarms telling us something is wrong. I would suggest prayer, ask God questions, ask yourself why am I feeling this way?

Ou human existence relies on a wanting to feel better. Hungry- eat, thirsty-drink, the basic examples.

When we don’t feel better its because we don’t take that time to ask why, how do I solve this, why do I feel this way.

Many times it’s financial stress, relationships etc..

Need more money, I always go to prayer and means work more. Find other ways but no shaming one self.

Having relationship problems talk to a trusted person. Etc…

Its the coping skills that have not been supplied and people seek to go to unhealthy ways to cope.

Most of our problems can be solved by talking to someone and seek guidance. But people learn from other adults to choose unhealthy coping mechanisms.


Are you trolling me ? Is that your answer do nothing 😞
