Spring Boot 2 Logging SLF4j Logback and LOG4j2 Example | Spring Boot Log4j2

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Spring Boot 2 Logging SLF4j Logback and LOG4j2 Example | Spring Boot Log4j2.
In this video, we learn how to log effectively with Spring Boot. We will look at Spring Boot Starter for Logging. We will look at the defaults in Spring Boot for Logging - Logback, and SLF4J. We will also be looking at the Spring Boot starter for log4j2.
First, we will discuss a few important points about Spring Boot logging feature and then we will create a simple example to demonstrate the same.
Spring Boot 2 Logging Feature Overview
Logging is a very important part of any application and it helps with debugging issues. Spring Boot, by default, includes spring-boot-starter-logging as a transitive dependency for the spring-boot-starter module. By default, Spring Boot includes SLF4J along with Logback implementations.
REST API Documentation using Swagger2 in Spring Boot | Coding Trainer
This video covers how to integrate Swagger 2 UI for REST API Documentation in Spring Boot. GitHub Link
In this video, we learn how to log effectively with Spring Boot. We will look at Spring Boot Starter for Logging. We will look at the defaults in Spring Boot for Logging - Logback, and SLF4J. We will also be looking at the Spring Boot starter for log4j2.
First, we will discuss a few important points about Spring Boot logging feature and then we will create a simple example to demonstrate the same.
Spring Boot 2 Logging Feature Overview
Logging is a very important part of any application and it helps with debugging issues. Spring Boot, by default, includes spring-boot-starter-logging as a transitive dependency for the spring-boot-starter module. By default, Spring Boot includes SLF4J along with Logback implementations.
REST API Documentation using Swagger2 in Spring Boot | Coding Trainer
This video covers how to integrate Swagger 2 UI for REST API Documentation in Spring Boot. GitHub Link