Python Code snippets you must learn now!! 30 Helpful Python Snippets in less than 30 Minutes in 2021

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Python Snippets You Should Learn Today
1. Checking for uniqueness in Python
2. Anagram in Python
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
3. Memory in Python
And this can be used to check the memory usage of an object:
4. Size in bytes in Python
The method returns the length of the string in bytes:
5. Print the string N times in Python
This snippet can be used to output a string n once without the need to use loops for this:
6. Makes the first letters of words large in Python
The snippet uses a method title() to capitalize each word in a string:
7. Separation in Python
This method splits the list into smaller lists of the specified size:
8. Removing false values
So you remove the false values ( False, None, 0 and '') from the list using filter():
9. Counting in Python
10. Chain comparison in Python
You can do multiple comparisons with all kinds of operators in one line:
11. Separate with comma in Python
convert a list of strings to a single string, where each item from the list is separated by commas
12. Count the vowels in Python
This method counts the number of vowels (“a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”) found in the string:
13. Converting the first letter of a string to lowercase in Python
Use to convert the first letter of your specified string to lowercase:
14. Anti-aliasing in Python
The following methods flatten out a potentially deep list using recursion:
15. Difference in Python
The method finds the difference between the two iterations, keeping only the values that are in the first:
16. The difference between lists in Python
The following method returns the difference between the two lists after applying this function to each element of both lists:
17. Chained function call in Python
You can call multiple functions on one line:
18. Finding Duplicates in Python
This code checks to see if there are duplicate values in the list using the fact that set()it only contains unique values:
19. Combine two dictionaries in Python
The following method can be used to combine two dictionaries:
20. Convert two lists to a dictionary in Python
Now let’s get down to converting two lists into a dictionary:
21. Using enumerate in Python
The snippet shows what you can use enumerate()to get both values and indices of lists:
22. Time spent in Python
Use to calculate the time it takes for a specific code to run:
23. Try / else in Python
You can use else as part of a block try:
24. The element that appears most often in Python
This method returns the most frequent item that appears in the list:
25. Palindrome in Python
The method checks if the given string is a palindrome:
26. Calculator without if-else in Python
The following snippet shows how to write a simple calculator without the need for conditions if-else:
27. Shuffle in Python
This code can be used to randomize the order of items in a list. Note that shuffleworks in place and returns None:
28. Change values in Python
A really quick way to swap two variables without the need for an extra one:
29. Get default value for missing keys in Python
The code shows how you can get the default value if the key you are looking for is not included in the dictionary:
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#Python #Programming #Learning
1. Checking for uniqueness in Python
2. Anagram in Python
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
3. Memory in Python
And this can be used to check the memory usage of an object:
4. Size in bytes in Python
The method returns the length of the string in bytes:
5. Print the string N times in Python
This snippet can be used to output a string n once without the need to use loops for this:
6. Makes the first letters of words large in Python
The snippet uses a method title() to capitalize each word in a string:
7. Separation in Python
This method splits the list into smaller lists of the specified size:
8. Removing false values
So you remove the false values ( False, None, 0 and '') from the list using filter():
9. Counting in Python
10. Chain comparison in Python
You can do multiple comparisons with all kinds of operators in one line:
11. Separate with comma in Python
convert a list of strings to a single string, where each item from the list is separated by commas
12. Count the vowels in Python
This method counts the number of vowels (“a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, “u”) found in the string:
13. Converting the first letter of a string to lowercase in Python
Use to convert the first letter of your specified string to lowercase:
14. Anti-aliasing in Python
The following methods flatten out a potentially deep list using recursion:
15. Difference in Python
The method finds the difference between the two iterations, keeping only the values that are in the first:
16. The difference between lists in Python
The following method returns the difference between the two lists after applying this function to each element of both lists:
17. Chained function call in Python
You can call multiple functions on one line:
18. Finding Duplicates in Python
This code checks to see if there are duplicate values in the list using the fact that set()it only contains unique values:
19. Combine two dictionaries in Python
The following method can be used to combine two dictionaries:
20. Convert two lists to a dictionary in Python
Now let’s get down to converting two lists into a dictionary:
21. Using enumerate in Python
The snippet shows what you can use enumerate()to get both values and indices of lists:
22. Time spent in Python
Use to calculate the time it takes for a specific code to run:
23. Try / else in Python
You can use else as part of a block try:
24. The element that appears most often in Python
This method returns the most frequent item that appears in the list:
25. Palindrome in Python
The method checks if the given string is a palindrome:
26. Calculator without if-else in Python
The following snippet shows how to write a simple calculator without the need for conditions if-else:
27. Shuffle in Python
This code can be used to randomize the order of items in a list. Note that shuffleworks in place and returns None:
28. Change values in Python
A really quick way to swap two variables without the need for an extra one:
29. Get default value for missing keys in Python
The code shows how you can get the default value if the key you are looking for is not included in the dictionary:
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#Python #Programming #Learning