Who Is Ismail Haniyeh, The Leader Of Hamas?

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As a new war emerges between Israel and Gaza, the key figures in the global flashpoint are coming into focus – including the leader of the militant group Hamas.

#Hamas #Leader #IsmailHaniyeh

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This man is living in Qatar as his people suffering in Gaza. What a leader


Sounds like Palestinians need a good and honest leader who loves all people


i wouldn't be surprised if Isaeli intelligence get's to him in that penthouse in Qatar!


Nice to be in comfort of his luxury apt in another country living a good life while his people suffer from orders he gave.


He's a coward living the good life in Qatar while "his people" suffer and his idiotic "fanatics" go about causing trouble. In the end, the real blame goes to their "Prophet".


Imagine if these people put half as much effort into actually improving the life of their people, instead of using them as human shields


When Israel declared independence many Arabs accepted Israel's invitation to stay to build the country. Today, 20% of Israelis are Arabs. No Arabs were displaced. They chose to leave.


One should be be ignorant when calling freedom fighters as terrorists


Let’s hold a Mohammed drawing competition


The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Before the Nakba, Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. However, the conflict between Arabs and Jews intensified in the 1930s with the increase of Jewish immigration, driven by persecution in Europe, and with the Zionist movement aiming to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

In November 1947, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution partitioning Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem under a UN administration. The Arab world rejected the plan, arguing that it was unfair and violated the UN Charter. Jewish militias launched attacks against Palestinian villages, forcing thousands to flee. The situation escalated into a full-blown war in 1948, with the end of the British Mandate and the departure of British forces, the declaration of independence of the State of Israel and the entry of neighbouring Arab armies. The newly established Israeli forces launched a major offensive. The result of the war was the permanent displacement of more than half of the Palestinian population.

As early as December 1948, the UN General Assembly called for refugee return, property restitution and compensation (resolution 194 (II)). However, 75 years later, despite countless UN resolutions, the rights of the Palestinians continue to be denied. According to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) more than 5 million Palestine refugees are scattered throughout the Middle East. Today, Palestinians continue to be dispossessed and displaced by Israeli settlements, evictions, land confiscation and home demolitions.

The Nakba anniversary is a reminder not only of those tragic events of 1948, but of the ongoing injustice suffered by the Palestinians. The Nakba had a profound impact on the Palestinian people, who lost their homes, their land, and their way of life. It remains a deeply traumatic event in their collective memory and continues to shape their struggle for justice and for their right to return to their homes. In 2022, the UN General Assembly requested that this anniversary be commemorated on 15 May 2023, for the first time in the history of the UN.


Living in qatar, and dead is the same but orgers come will be wust.


Allah bless univer, peoples and brave Palestine, Kashmiri, uighyer muslims etc, especially Palestine muslims, zionist and hindu are same


It's essentially Netanyahu vs Ismail


I’m Not Entirely Sure Why, But I am Definitely wondering why this channel chose to start this video by saying that this Horrific war is between Israel and Gaza, Instead of HAMAS- As far as I understand it, Gaza is a physical place Not a People and Not an Evil Terrorist organization like HAMAS.


I prey you fill the pain and sorrow for the survivors whom lost there loved ones


People of Gaza want Hamas, u misinform people Palestinian have been through all kinds of misery and hardshipthey have the right to resist and fight for their land since israël does not want to give any shit to them, they want to do to them what Europe did to Indians first nations in America but no, its impossible Palestinians are not Indians they r way smarter, and the last thing colonnialism must stop in whole world it IS a crime against humanity


He is living a luxery life in a big house with cars, parties, women etc in Qatar. The new tomorow headlines of the national newspaper Telegraph


Haniyeh is a coward for living luxury life while his ppl are suffering the death. He’s the definition of a Karen


This man same like osama bin laden and sadam hussien


Look into that man's eyes. Pure evil.
