JW Watchtower: 607 BC and 1914 AD

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WT is dogmatic about 607 BC. Is it correct to disfellowship someone who disagrees?
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Again Ruth, you hit the nail on the head. We cannot guess the end date, furthermore it's obvious that he doesn't want us to know.
He wants us to serve him out of love for him, not to save our own skin.
The end will come as a thief in the night and he hasn't even told his son the date as far as we know. So why would he tell us?
I think back on how much human society has changed in 50 years. It's amazing. 50 years ago there was a strict rule of decency, and now anything goes.
The earth had wonderful places to go and now everywhere we go we find bits of trash.
They're cutting down forests at an alarming speed. The trees are the planet's main oxygen resource. Little children are victimized everywhere you turn. The government's don't work.
Just to name a few things. That is why we need God to deliver us whether we make it through the end times or not.
We need to keep praying for his will to be fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven whether we are here or not.
Thank you Ruth, for pointing out how silly it is to be looking for a date for the end times.
Setting end dates only frighten
People who are less knowledgeable and inclined to follow people who act like they know all about the end time.


Dear Ruth, its mine and everyones pleasure “putting up with you” as you stated, thank you for your encouraging videos and lovely smile.

Love from your sister in Christ
Maria 🌷


I just rewatched this. It just drove home the point of how cruel WT is for disfellowshipping people who don’t agree with their dogma that they’ve not properly researched. How many people’s lives have they affected because they’ve been so dogmatic over unscriptural beliefs. So heart breaking 💔


You are a brave lady to take on that subject Ruth.


Verses of interest are Jeremiah 52:28-30, 2 Kings chapters 24 and 25, 2 Chronicles 36. Sorry I made a mistake; the Jews were deported to Babylon not from! Of course, if you put 607 where I did you have to play around with the reigns of Kings as dictated by WT to get the time-line in line with what you want to accept. It's all very complicated, sorry!


Thanks for your video sister.
I was trying to wrap my head around that topic for awhile then when I considered Acts 1:6, 7 I dropped it because I realized it doesn't matter.
You hit the nail on the head when you said it is ridiculous being dogmatic about dates and excommunicating people for not holding the same view.


Good morning Ruth!!! Always happy to start my day with you! This is Ana Schulz by the way. Just changed my screen name.


When I was young in Québec, the farmers were not harvesting the 7th year to make the soil rest . They were planting buckwheat and they were using it as fertilizer 😊


Thanks so much for your interesting comments. I'm so grateful as you give a more rounded out viewpoint to my discussion. God bless.


Math 24 'But suppose that servant is wicked . . . 49 And he begins to beat (punish) his fellow servants . . . 50 The master of that servant will come on a day he does not expect and at an hour he does not anticipate. 51Then he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'


Thank you for the information and the Divine plans set to go !
Dear friend and sister take care of yourself and love you always because our savior Jesus Christ

God is love


Jesus response to the question "When?" was 'watch out' . . . 'be careful'. . . 'do not be deceived' . . . he did not give a dissertation on Daniel to give exact details. He gave signs to point the way, and his main emphasis was, therefore (since you do NOT know when) 'Keep on the watch'
Be a 'faithful slave', be 'discreet', keep diligent in the master's service. Be 'spotless and in peace'.
NIV 'The Day and Hour Unknown
“Watch out that no one deceives you" "32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door."36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, [f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying . . . 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. 42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.'


You, yes you are a real gift to all of us. Thank you. Our saviour has nurtured and protected you to teach and show us the way out. Xx


The Apostle Paul said in his first letter to the Corinthians when talking about communion "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes". (1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 26). Why do JWs still observe the Lord's Evening Meal if they believe Jesus has returned???


Hi Ruth - I believe you to be correct in stating that these issues of ‘dates’ are not overly important at this stage. No one knows the day or hour of Jesus’s return. We are certainly at a point in human history/prophecy where we can say that these are the last days in this system. We all need to focus firmly on Jesus Christ now and really repent of our sins because as you say - he is the only one who can fix this rapid falling and broken world. May our loving God continue to bless you sister Ruth. MARANATHA - 🙏


The stage is set for the coming of the Son of man at a time you do not think likely.


However Jer 34:17 says "17 “Therefore says the Lord, ‘You have not obeyed Me; you have not proclaimed liberty to your brother and your countryman. Behold (listen very carefully), I am proclaiming liberty to you—[liberty to be put] to the sword, [liberty] to [be ravaged by] the virulent disease, and [liberty] to [be decimated by] famine, ’ says the Lord; ‘and I will make you a horror and a warning to all the kingdoms of the earth. 18 The men who have violated My covenant, who have not kept the terms of the solemn pledge which they made before Me"


What you said here is exactly correct. The 70 years of desolation did start did start around 607 bce and did end in 537 bce, 2 years after the fall of Babylon in 539 bce. The complete destruction of Jerusalem in Zedekiah’s reign was not the start of the 70 year sabbath for the land but occurred around 20 years “in”. This understanding preserves the fact that the land was to be unused or desolated for a period 70 years as observed by Daniel 9:2, and confirmed by 2 Chronicles 36:20, 21 and Jeremiah 25:11, and Jeremiah 29:10. This isn’t all that controversial!


I like your commentary, you are well spoken and easy to listen to. I would though i would have to sadly disagree about the last days. This generation must be preached throughout the world and then the end will come. If generation is taken literally in a lifetime we come to a problematic situation where those Islamic countries want no form of Christianity, so this figure must be almost one billion people.


But the 70 years apply to Babylon correct? That the surrounding nations would be subject for them for 70 years. The exiles were in those 70 years somewhere.
