Why Khaenri'ah is More Dangerous Than We Think | Genshin Impact Lore Theory

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Even if khaenriah was worse then we thought, the innocent civilians that got turned into hilichulrs, are now forced to suffer for 100 of years in constant pain and can't naturally die
I don't think they deserved any of it, and its what makes Celestia the worst


Really like the theory, but nah fook Celestia, Khaenri'ah rulers might've deserve it but turning every single human into hillichurls just because they were Khaenrians is a big no no for me. (Plus Hillichurls exist for more then 6000 year's [their first appearance in webcomic], Celestia been doing this for decades. Not to mention they threaten Orobashi to destroy Watatsumi island if he didn't kill himself and them trying to destroy knowledge about their alien origin's)


Personally, I also subscribe to the theory that Khaenri'ah is not an innocent party in the Cataclysm 500 years ago. Not saying that Celestia is good, it's clearly bad to make people into hilichurls and kill the civilians for the sin of their government and destroy multiple civilisations. I just think they may both be not that great.

One of the thing that's strange to me is Makoto's death. The land of Inazuma was overwhelmed with monsters 500 years ago, and her response to this was to go to Khaenri'ah. Is Khaenri'ah behind the monsters? I don't know but it's just weird. Then, she died from a battle in Khaenri'ah. Personally I don't believe she went with the intention to fight, otherwise she would have sent Ei. So why was there a battle? Did Celestia force her to fight? Or did the people of Khaenri'ah attack her first?

Another thing that supports my hypothesis that both Celestia and Khaenri'ah are not entirely good or evil is the Fatui. They seem to be evil at first glance, with Il Dottore doing human experiments and the delusions in Inazuma for example. However, the soldiers we've meet so far seem to think that they are working for a good cause. I believe that hoyoverse does not want to make things simple black or white. Each faction will have their own reasons for their actions.


Great video!
About Kaeya's quote about Khaenriah, in the chinese (original) version of this quote, Kaeya don't call Khaenriah's peoples as 'sinners' but say they are 'deemed as sinners' by Teyvat.. which mean something totally different. He also sound super sad and defeated when saying this quote in chinese.. not petty like in the english version.. so it would mean that while Kaeya don't like the Abyss Order, he don't consider "Khaenriah'" as a whole as bad.


I believe Makoto, Ei's sister, shines some interesting light on the topic of Khaenri'ah. She said that the Gods have tolerated them for a long time, but they had recentely done something where the Gods could no longer ignore them.

And it's left implied that this is what caused the Cataclysm, to which Abyss monsters attacked all of Teyvat and the Archons mobilized to Khaenri'ah. In some of the abyss monsters lore tabs, the wolves specifically, it's implied that Khaenri'ah have been experimenting witht he Abyss for a good while so some monsters existed before the Cataclysm already, specially since the wolves were the vanguard off the attack.

All of this is important as it means the Gods were well aware of them and did nothing for a long time, and if the accounts are accurate, it means that the attack on all of the seven nations during the Cataclysm, happened either around the same time or just before the Gods descended on Khaenri'ah.

Which raises an observation... and a question

The Observation: Khaenri'ah had amassed an army of monsters and machines capable of fighting the seven nations before the Cataclysm, meaning they were well prepared NOT to defend. But to invade.

The Question: What did Khaenri'ah do that justified the Archons no longer ignoring them moments prior to the Cataclysm?


Hmm when you mentioned the Khaenriahn translation in Arabic, I found that particularly ironic, considering the fact the 2 main khaenrian characters (Kaeya & by extension Albedo, ) hail from mondstadt, which is also considered the city of the wind….

*Just food for thought, but it’s a really interesting connection.*


Min: creates amazing, well thought-out and produced video on Khaenri'ah lore
also Min: 💕🫦🔥Pierro❤‍🔥💞❤


After seeing the giant ruin guards in Sumeru, Im starting to think it might of been a good idea if Khaenri'ah was destroyed...


wind betrayers is really interesting, because in the diluc quest i got the impression they are basically at war with the abyss order at the moment. maybe the two countries have a special connection with each other


The way you tell stories and even flat out theories is mesmerizing. I love your work, and even though in the future we might all be wrong about our theories I throughly enjoy listening to yours.
Keep up the great work!


this is actually a really good and well-explained theory
would u be able to do one about an in-depth talk of why celestia might be evil too? i've seen a lot of theories and stuff but it would be very useful!!


O dam, I've been thinking about the whole tevyat being upside down theory. Now with new evidence being that the script is upside down, didn't they day that the whole sky went red during the cataclysm? And how scaramouche mentioned the sky was fake, and how whenever we go "down" the abyss it appears to be that we are going up. Sus


4:35 wait I didn’t find that one holy- so Kaeya’s family stepped up and led the country after the previous king failed? They’re literally confirming Kaeya has... well not ROYAL royal blood... by still royal blood


The Teyvat being flipped is a interesting theory because if everyone can remember with the meteor event. Scaramouche talked how the stars are lies, meaning there’s a chance that the sky we see may not actually be the sky. That could explain the mysterious upside down structures.


Hey Min I’m interested in north mythology and since khaenriahan characters have a lot of north European influences dainsleifs snake constellation makes me think about jörmingandr the midgard snake, she is the child of loki and Angrboda an ancient goddess, she is so big that she can wrap around the mortal world and watches everything the gods kept her hidden from the normal humans in the sea they also managed to keep her brother the fenrir wolf trapped with a fragile rope in Asgard the home of the gods and made her sister the goddess of death hel.the 3 siblings fought in ragnarök the world ending along with monsters and their father against the celestial rule. when I look at this the 3 siblings could represent the 3 primordial nations or 3 Fighters who plan a rebellion against the gods.These are just my thoughts so pls don’t take them too serious.


OMG Min, the presentation, the story telling, this is amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your videos. I love this!


Omg I thought I was the only one who believed in the Ouroboros=Dainsleif theory. My personal speculation is that he didn’t have a physical form and sought out the help of Istaroth. Who traveled him to the future and transported his soul into Dainsleif when he was a newborn. So Ouroboros has like, always been with Dain.


I’m also a big fan of khaenri’ah characters!! I’m a kaeya and albedo main! <3 I plan to keep maining them until we reach khaenri’ah :D I’m a simple girl I see albedo I click 😘


Girl, you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. I'd say I'm surprised but I know who you are.

This was a great watch Min! I can't wait to see more!


My thoughts since the sumeru archon quest have been that:
Celestia = right motive, bad execution
Khanariah = found the truth
Fatui = good intentions, wrong motive, also bad methods

Breaking it down to be more spoilery:
Khanariah finds knowledge that is true, but forbidden
Celestia tried to shut it down by whatever means necessary
Fatui knows celestia is hiding something BUT if they were to uncover it, it may trigger another situation of corrupted forbidden knowledge

Only problem is I think all 3 used an "ends justify the means", but even if their terrible acts DID justify their goals - only one can be actually in the right
