ICDAbio Virtual Scientific Plenary 2022: Plenary 1A_Genetic Maps for M2M2M
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Virtual Scientific Plenary 2022: Plenary 1A Genetic Maps for M2M2M
Eimear Kenny (Speaker)
Kári Stefánsson: Bridging the gap between the genome and clinical phenotypes (0:47)
Lea Davis: PsycheMERGE: Advancing precision psychiatry through EHR-based genomic research (18:45)
Yen-Feng Lin: Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Taiwan Biobank (37:22)
Segun Fatumo: Embracing African genetic diversity for novel gene discovery & genetic risk prediction (56:34)
Eimear Kenny (Speaker)
Kári Stefánsson: Bridging the gap between the genome and clinical phenotypes (0:47)
Lea Davis: PsycheMERGE: Advancing precision psychiatry through EHR-based genomic research (18:45)
Yen-Feng Lin: Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Taiwan Biobank (37:22)
Segun Fatumo: Embracing African genetic diversity for novel gene discovery & genetic risk prediction (56:34)