Tree Planting and Climate Change - BBC News

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Ros Atkins looks at why vast tree planting initiatives are concerning some experts.

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Jesus, the complexity of tree planting being explained in this report really emphasises the need to stop illegal logging


Planting trees is not as effective and efficient as the public thought to tackle climate change, but it's one of the easiest ways that people can do despite some drawbacks, which makes itself controversial.


Am here last time more rain during rainy season but now no more rain and weather so hot, as I notice because of tree cutting down most of mountain here without tree. 🥲🥲


Because of the economic climate, now is the perfect time to invest in trees. Trees are the new Gold! Expert Sir Trev Planter is very wise. He says we need more trees to save our planet. Stop cutting them down. Stop cutting down huge trees and replacing them with a twig in the ground. Leave them!! You cannot contact him as I don't know his details but still, we can all do our bit. Remember every little helps


"The best time to plant a fruit tree is 5 years ago." Forget the doubters and "Offset" fraudsters. We need to do EVERYTHING we can. Plant a freaking Tree already. Your kids will thank you.


Great piece. The take-away... we need to cut emissions and we need numerous carbon reducing initiatives with tree planting being just one. On the west coast of Canada forest companies replant areas of clear cut logging with monocultures which cannot provide the resilience that a healthy forest system needs. But it sure sounds good!


The simplest method- stop using petroleum/diesel cars and fossil fuel related products.


When planting trees, we need to keep in mind that natural healthy forests consist of a large variety of species, and there’s the issue of native vs non native.
I have an idea that would, by my estimation, be a game changer. It’s multi-faceted, and would be costly and maybe a slow process. We start by building a pumped pipeline from the Pacific Ocean into the top of the Rocky Mountains, and refill lake Bonneville, even if it’s only in part, as much if it’s former footprint is now occupied by cities. This would bring more water into the local water cycle, providing greater surface area for evaporation/precipitation. (Also, before you go saying that it would all evaporate again, I’d remind you that if we got this far, with pumps and pipes to fill it in the first place, it wouldn’t be difficult to just keep a steady flow to keep it at whatever level we decided.) Along the run of this system we instal solar panels, and some solar domes for thermal desalination. The brine from these stations can be carefully dried and used as needed, so as to avoid dumping brine back into water systems.
The water now in the mountain west provides water for reforestation of the decimated forest systems in the Rockies. As these forests are placed around they will aid in the water cycle, providing for an eventual increase in local rain/snowfalls, and eventually begin cooling the arid mountain climate. Slowly this can help provide more lingering snow, increasing albedo of the mountain west.
Another part is the furthering of hydroponic systems and aeroponic systems of agriculture, to improve use of space and water, and lower food costs.
And the last in my plan would be to slowly redesign cities to have an increase in rooftop gardens, and plants on buildings’ exteriors to help reduce the heat island effect, and thus reduce energy consumption to keep cool. Overall, it would be a lot to do, but it would accomplish a reduction in carbon use, an increase in carbon sequestration, a minor reduction in rising sea levels, and an increase in rain/snow in certain areas.


As far as trees are concerned the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the better. Not so long ago in the Jurassic period atmospheric carbon dioxide was 5 times higher than it is now. Great for plants and trees.


A key potential benefit of reforesting overlooked in this report are the benefits to wildlife populations, which are being and will be impacted greatly by climate change and other environmental pressures. What trees or plants are planted where and how, including how they are actively maintained after planting should be integral to any ecological interference and planning.


Father God I pray that you help the person reading this to have a blessed life and a happy one 💯🇯🇲🙏


Biggest CO2 polluters per capita are
4. Canada, 5. Australia, 9. US.
China with its 1.4 billion population
is ranked lower down at 38. position in the list
even lower than the UK, Japan and Germany.
Source: World Bank CO2 emissions
Accessed 18 August 2021

China has planted trees all over the country,
even in rural areas and deserts.
NASA says as an independent observer
our earth is greener today than 20 years ago
thanks to China and India's reforestation.

While G7 countries are just keep talking about climate change,
since 2020 China’s already installed
more than 800, 000 public EV charging stations
more than 900, 000 home and workplace charging points stations
wind power farms at 282GW
solar power farms at 205GW
hydropower plants at 370GW

There are not only millions of EVs in China
but China has also got the infrastructures for it
and there are parking metres all over the place.

China can not only make her own EVs
but also make her own batteries and all car parts at one single place.
This will reduce both the production costs and time
and increase the profit margins to become more competitive.

Street lights, billboards, timetable on bus stops etc. are solar powered

They’ve also gone cashless since the last nine years.

They’ve not only got the biggest, strong vibrant and innovative economy
but they’ve also got the fastest 5G internet
turning cities into ‘smart cities’ with high technology designed to:
control your world with just your fingertips on your phone
from getting vaccinated to doing all your shopping
increase efficiencies and improve people’s daily lives
ensure a smooth and faster commute
decrease crime in your neighbourhood
clear the air from smog.

These are just a small examples of what China is doing
to slow down global warming.
What has the G7 countries done so far?

Aren't Chinese now living the 'smarter' version of the 'American Dream'
that many countries wish to be part of that?

But the things China has done so far
was never mentioned by our media.
They only thing they’re doing is
keep pointing fingers at China and India
as the biggest polluter in the world
without providing any evidence to back up their claim.


It's the same reason why "Well I can eat this chocolate cake bc I just ran a mile" isn't valid. You have to stop doing the bad thing to make progress not off set it.


Billions of trees are needed by Mankind
This Real Deal Action is needed
badly in our world
We've been losing significant amount of old huge trees globally ever since a hundred years ago


Commercial logging in New York state, where I live, is now out of control. I've seen loaded log truck after log truck roll out of the Adirondack Park preserve. There's supposed to be a ban on harvesting old- growth trees, I know loggers who cut them down with impunity. Seems like maybe the DEC and forestry police are being paid off by the logging companies.


On the other hand, Grasslands grazed by animals are easy to create and suck down 10 times the co2 and you can eat the grazers.


I have planted over 1100 trees 🌳 and transformed 3acres single-handedly


Much too pessimistic to my taste. Increasing vegetation density in cities for example not only binds carbon, but also reduces crime and improves air quality.


Do these things first.
1. Don't cut the existing trees.
2. Approach the local people to know which species of trees are native to that region. This step can be done by developing a global tree map with voluntary contribution from those elder people.


Planting trees will take to long to make a difference 20 to 30 years
