Learn English Grammar: EACH OTHER & ONE ANOTHER

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First of all, what does this word mean: "reciprocal"? "To reciprocate"-that's the verb-"to reciprocate" means to return an action. So I do something for you, you do something for me. The action is reciprocal; goes one way, goes the other way. Doesn't have to be the same action, but it's some sort of... Returning a favour basically or returning help.

So we can use: "each other" or "one another" to show a reciprocal action. These are called reciprocal pronouns. Okay? "Each" is a pronoun, "one" is a pronoun, "another" is a pronoun. These are in groups, they are reciprocal pronouns. Now, quite often, people mix these... They mix the use of this with "themselves". Okay? "Themselves" is not a reciprocal pronoun. "Themselves" is called a reflexive pronoun. I won't get into too much detail about reflexive here, but a "reflexive pronoun" is a pronoun when you have the subject acting on the object, and the object is the same as the subject. So: "I hit myself." I am the subject, I am also the object. I hit myself, it's reflecting back to me. Reciprocal, there's always somebody else or other people involved besides myself. Okay? Besides me.

"Tom and Jerry hated each other."
Now, I'm not sure how old some of you are. I know I'm maybe giving away my age a little bit, but Tom and Jerry were very popular cartoon characters when I was a kid. Tom... Tom was the cat I believe, Jerry was the mouse, and they always used to hate each other. Near the end, when I got older, they became friends; it was very disappointing. It was better when they hated each other and always used to do bad things to each other because they were... It was kind of funny. "Tom and Jerry hated each other." Tom hated Jerry, Jerry hated Tom; the feeling was reciprocal. Okay? Here, it's not an action, it's a feeling, but we can use it in the same way. We use it like an action verb.

"Tom and Jerry hated one another."
Basically, the meaning is the same. Now, there's an argument between grammarians, people who study grammar, who think that "each other" should only involve two characters, "one another" should involve more than two characters. Realistically though, they're interchangeable; you can use one or the other. Everybody will get the exact same meaning, regardless which one you use. Okay?

"Tom and Jerry hated themselves."
Does this mean the same as these two? No, it does not. If we say: "Tom and Jerry hated themselves." means Tom hated Tom, Jerry hated Jerry. No relation between the two. Tom hated himself, Jerry hated himself. Okay? So this is not a reciprocal action; this is a reflexive.

Now, another situation we have is with the apostrophe. Okay?
"Linda and Kate were bridesmaids at each other's weddings."
"Linda and Kate were bridesmaids at one another's weddings."
"Wedding", I'm going to have to look that one up. "Each other's weddings" though for sure. It basically means the same idea. One to you, one back to me; reciprocal actions. And you can use it. Now, some people put these together, especially language learners who are a little bit new to the language, they say: "Each other". Now, keep in mind, a native speaker will take the "ch" sound with the "o" and mix it - "eachother", but they are two separate words, you can't mix them. And some people also think you can put the apostrophe after the "s", this is also not the case because we're talking about one person to one person, so the "s" always comes... The apostrophe-sorry-always comes before the "s" to show possession. Okay?

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Really, you have good talent for teaching. Your videos enhance my english and listening skills. sincerely, i am thankful for you


I just popped up to your video and it is such a great time for me. In a matter of minutes, I learned a lot. Thank you very much Adam. Your teaching skills go beyond expectations. Hurrah


This stuff is tricky for a non native speaker. I was playing a video game when I heard: "I'll let 'em climb on one another." So I thought to myself: wasn't that supposed to be "climb on themselves?" Yeah, I was wrong. Thank you for the lesson, dear teacher.


Beautiful! Thank you Alex for this lesson! From Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Thank you Adam. I'm keen on your lessons, they're clear and concise. If you don't mind I'll use some of your ideas in my classes. You're quite inspiring.


Adam is an excellent teacher. Thank you so much for posting these videos.


Hey Adam, thanks for your tutorials. Could you please explain differences between Each other and To Each other


Hi Adam, Now I'm very happy to have happened to meet your lecture, when I'm browsing out some complicated
words in internet. I felt the same feeling when I happened to meet with "TED" the other day, I'm 70 already, but I'm confident to improve my English drastically by your lecture.


You are the best teacher on Youtube, I love your lessons. 😃 😊 😍


Hi Adam. Did you find out if the right way is "one another's wedding" or "one another's weddings"? I myself prefer "each other's weddings", but I'd love to know the answer nonetheless. Keep it up!


More simple to explain and understand is impossible. Thanks.


Hello Teacher Adam!  I hope you're doing great! Thank you for your helpful and interesting lessons. On the other hand, I wonder if you could have the chance to explain me what is the rule with the Genitive 's. I've read rules about it but they just make me to get confused. For instance, I do not know if is okay "The princess's golden ball fell into a well" or  "The princess' golden  ball fell into a well". Thank you in advanced. :)


After read plenty of texts, now I learned just watching this video. Awesome!!


you are an amazing teacher thank you for this lesson


Thank you, it's so easy to understand and I speak spanish (maybe I've spelling or/and grammar mistakes)


Hi Teacher Adam

You are the best, I have problems to undestand native speakers but I can garret 97% in your classes.

Best regards fron Costa Rica!


you rock! latetly I´ve been searching for english teachers in youtube, actually your accent is the clearest for me. I´m a mexican beginner  


lesson was great and your understandable speech helps me a lot, thanks and love from Turkey!!!


I'm from Brazil, you help me a lot !! Thank you


Adam thank you for your inspiring teachings.
