21/2 AP Shaco Jungle - S14 Emerald Ranked [League of Legends] Full Gameplay - Infernal Shaco

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21/2 AP Shaco Jungle - S14 Emerald Ranked [League of Legends] Full Gameplay - Infernal Shaco



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Infernal Shaco
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as a former Shaco main, in this gameplay you can see how AP Shaco falls in late and he just turns into a support. Like a strong supp who will deal tons of dmg with tons of cc and a huge preassure on the enemy team. But if you don't have someone that is strong in late, in this case AD Katarina, it's super hard to win the match. AD Shaco is the same thing but he is actually a carry until 20 min mark. After that he falls of even harder cuz you don't do tons of cc and dmg that an AP build will do. It's a fun, beautifull champ but they really need to rework him or change his kit a little. If they buff his W ( like to be invisible from the start) it will be so good.


Question- why is blackfire chosen over Liandry's if mana is a useless stat in the jungle?


i have a question, i ddon't undestand why u max for second spell your Q and not you W


how come you buy zhonyas but dont use it very often, both of the times you died the cooldown was up and you were able to use it


I do not like the fact that you keep all the kills and you are not an assasing jg. You are going ap so you dont need that kill boost to buy fast. You are usefull anyways. You should let your lines to kill so they can grow. Anuways you are an awesome player and I really enjoy seeing you play ap. Cheers


How is this emerald I don’t recognize league anymore


really enjoy the videos but idk why u r always boosting some feeders
