Hair Transplant 1 Year Follow up After Hairline Lowering Restoration Surgery Dr. Diep Bald Hair Loss
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FUE Hair Transplant vs. Strip (FUT) method: The one method is called the traditional “Strip” harvesting and the other is FUE. Strip harvesting involves cutting a strip of skin in the back of your head and dissects it down under a microscope to each individual follicle before transplanting one graft at a time into the bald spot. The PRO for strip harvesting are: cheaper than FUE, move more hair at one time, called mega session performing up to 6,000 grafts per session per day and 5%-15% better yield than FUE method in term of harvesting and growth. The CON for Strip harvesting are: a little bit more invasive, possible numbness and a small line of scar in the back of the head. On the other hand, the (FUE) Follicular Unit of Extraction hair transplant means extracting one graft at a time from the donor site. The PRO for FUE are: LESS VISIBLE SCAR even when the head is shaved completely, LESS INVASIVE, less bleeding, less chance of numbness and less painful during recovery. Actually, there are many small punctated scars from the FUE method which scattered throughout the head and cannot easily be seen. The CON for FUE are: more expensive than the strip harvesting because it is more time consuming and more demanding on the skill and time of the surgeon. The other CON of FUE are; the maximum amount of graft that can be harvested in one sitting is limited to 2,000 grafts per day on straight hair but only 1,000 grafts for curly black African hair, the percent harvest and growth is around 5%-15% less than the strip method as there is more chance of injuring grafts and rare cyst formation which normally resolve by itself.