Michio Kaku: We FINALLY Found What's Inside A Black Hole!

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Black Holes might just be one of the most fascinating and mysterious phenomena in the universe. They are massive beasts in terms of power, but at the same time, virtually invisible to us. But because of the research that was put into them over the last couple of decades, we’ve gone from knowing absolutely nothing about them, to getting to learn more and more, up close and personal. And well, things have just gotten crazier. Michio Kaku just announced that we’ve finally gotten a look at what’s inside a black hole, and this new information brings light to the details the world of science might’ve missed, all along. Join us as we dig deeper into black holes, and unveil what’s inside space’s “big bad.”
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For the sake of humanity and science, I'd be willing to be a guinea pig and sacrifice myself to go inside a blackhole. I don't want a billion dollars. I don't want a mansion. I don't want a new car. I just want a statue for my sacrifice.


I wish I can still watch humanity on fast forward after I die to see how far we'll go and what new things we'll learn.


I'm just glad that ice cream exists.


They still don't know... they think they know. But it's all just theories until someone goes in and checks it out.


Plot twist: We are on the other side of the black hole.


Its interesting how everything, including math makes sense in a 2D space but not 3D. Perhaps we exist in a 2D dimension but simulate a 3D experience around us.


I think it's incredible that black holes have the power to warp the very fabric of space-time. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to get close to one, but this video did a great job of explaining the science behind it all.


This video is making me question my whole existence..


@Tonzho Yaj We can't even reach the black holes. The furthest man-made object from Earth is Voyager 1 which isn't even close to a hundreth of a light-year from Earth after being in constant service for nearly 46 years. The nearest black hole, as was said, is 1500 light years away. That's nearly 600, 000 times further than it has traveled so far. Therefore it would need just over 27 million years to reach it at its current velocity, assuming it never malfunctioned or got destroyed.


This las testament was absolutely amazing, that we are possibly living inside of a blackhole, and that the actual blackholes are connections to other universes, that could be the problem solver, it also could solve the whereabouts of aliens visiting us from other universes and not from ours necessarily.


I can see how black holes would be the start of other dimensions, but as far as a wormhole goes, I believe there'd need to be a way to survive a black hole.


the "tiny curled up dimensions" are called Quantum manifolds


I wanted to mention the now classic book "The Large Scale structure of Space-Time" by Stephen Hawking and George Ellis published 1973. This helps understand black holes including rotating black holes. It is highly technical but brilliant.


Does anyone know what would happen if one black hole bumped into another black hole. ???


And thirty years later "sorry, we were wrong". And thirty years


Wait so... They don't know what's inside a black hole?

Am I being retarded, have I misunderstood?


My grandfather was an Engineer that worked for the government in deep classified projects. He always told me He knew Blackholes where the entrance to the multiverse. His thought was once you passed through you would be able to travel from one universe to another universe. I just get this mental image of this hub area, with Trillions of entrance ways to other Universes, with more being created with their own big bangs every second.


Surely sending a Quantum computer and AI into the black hole together with another Quantum computer and AI looking on to the Phenomenon we'd be able to get sooo much more info back?


What if black holes are the after effects of possible alien warp drive use? Since warp drives do enable you to travel faster than light, it exceeds laws of physics, pretty much taking one point in space and "warping" that space within it's boundaries to another, and leaving behind an empty void which we call a black hole? It could make sense given the predicted number of black holes in our galaxy alone, imagine the whole universe!. Why would there be so many? And it could also explain why we believe they lead to another point in space (einstein-rosen bridge)-- because it did, but now all that's left is an empty void or "black hole"(that grows with time as more objects are pulled into it due to infinite gravity), which aliens with higher intelligence have learned how to harness and use to get from point A to point B in space almost instantaneously. Upon arriving to their destination after warp drive use, it may create a "white hole" of some nature given that a piece of space was brought with them from point A and is now being forced into another point where space is occupied (point B). Or maybe i'm just high off my ass, who knows hahahah


I though a black hole was inside Uranus
