NGRX/Entity Introduction & implementation | ngrx crud actions with ngrx/entity

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#angular #ngrx #ngrxentity #nihiratechiees
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This is the 22nd video in Angular 16 - NGRX Tutorial .
This video explains NGRX/ENTITY with angular crud example.
Entity State adapter for managing record collections.
Entity provides an API to manipulate and query entity collections.
* Reduces boilerplate for creating reducers that manage a collection of models.
* Provides performant CRUD operations for managing entity collections.
* Extensible type-safe adapters for selecting entity information
Source code GitHub Link
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Previous video mentioned
This is the 22nd video in Angular 16 - NGRX Tutorial .
This video explains NGRX/ENTITY with angular crud example.
Entity State adapter for managing record collections.
Entity provides an API to manipulate and query entity collections.
* Reduces boilerplate for creating reducers that manage a collection of models.
* Provides performant CRUD operations for managing entity collections.
* Extensible type-safe adapters for selecting entity information
Source code GitHub Link
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