Dr. Zaihan Rashid (A Community Activist) - Why to attend HAPPY STRONG FAMILY workshop and programs?

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HAPPY STRONG FAMILY is a non-profit organization for parents & families. We offer programs to bring awareness for building better parenting skills to families & greater community. We also offer ‘Step-by-Step’ workshops to build necessary parenting skills based on parents of ‘specific age-group children’ such as pre-teen, teen age group etc.

In addition to ‘Parenting Workshops’, we offer ‘Step-by-Step’ workshops to build
necessary marital skills based on well-identified techniques from Qur’an / Sunnah &
modern behavioral psychology practices. Marriage workshops are designed for the 21st century, and offer practical,easy to implement strategies designed to build right mindset to get married, conduct marriage and build healthy spousal relationship.

(Ar-Rum:21) And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

We help frustrated parents REGAIN SANITY through PRACTICAL parenting workshop so that they can ENJOY a blissful life.


In our parenting workshops, you will learn:
* How to practice & apply parenting skills in real-life to establish happy strong family
* How to bridge communication gaps with your children
* How to apply number of positive parenting tools to improve parenting skills
* How to make connection (with children) before correction
* How to practice ‘Role modeling’ in the workshop & at home
* Preparation (before workshop)
* ‘Easy-to-do’ lessons at home (after workshop)
* Opportunity to have general & personal Q/A session with the mentor / facilitator


Who should attend?
* Marriage candidate (who is looking for spouse)
* Married couple (who wish to improve their relationship)

What will you learn?
* Why should I get married?
* What should I look for in a potential spouse?
* How can I find a potential partner?
* How can I avoid common mistakes?
* How can I improve relationships?
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