The New Destiny 2 Dungeon has a BIG Change NO ONE Expected...

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New Destiny 2 News with the new TWAB (Sept 26)! Bungie just revealed the New Dungeon, "Vesper's Host" coming in Episode 2: Revenant, with a Big Change to Contest Mode we've never seen before! We also have a HUGE PvP Update!

New #destiny2 video, going over the New Destiny 2 News in the latest TWAB today (This week in Bungie, or TWID: This Week in Destiny) for September 26th that released in Episode Echoes Act 3, after the new Destiny 2: Final Shape DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We also have a New Final Shape Raid, as well as New Subclasses! The Prismatic Titan, Prismatic Hunter, and Prismatic Warlock! Play these within the new Pale Heart Destination!
The new Destiny 2: Episode 1 Echoes Act 3 is Live! We have the new Battlegrounds, and new Vex Weapons alongside Season of Dawn Reprisal Weapons! New Failsafe Quests and new Specimen Quests! We also have the new Encore Exotic Mission!
But today We're going over how to get the new Destiny 2 News! Bungie reveals new info about Episode 2: Revenant! The Next New Destiny 2 Episode (Season)! The Next Episode Launch Date is October 8! We have the full reveal of the new Destiny 2 Dungeon "Vesper's host"! We also have a new PvP Map and Big Buffs and Nerfs that will effect the Best PvP Weapons and the overall PvP Meta!
#Destiny2News #destiny2thefinalshape
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What do you guys think about Contest Mode only lasting for the First 3 Completions? I Absolutely did not expect Bungie to do this!


Everyone who’s ever played this game knows that these changes are going to feel fresh for one week and then we’ll be right back to where we were. Anyone who believes otherwise is honestly just being disingenuous with themselves.


Bro, just bring back strike specific loot, that makes strikes fresh.


Most of the game is not casual friendly which is why most of the player base left.


Spiders vendor location is just recycled from season of Plunder


I feel like they are really focusing on the elite few. Shouldn’t they be focusing on getting NEW players into the game?


who the fuck seriously cares about contest mode. again. bungie creating content for the like 100 ish people who play destiny as their job and the rest of the casuals couldn't give a fuck


I don't care what they do with future raids as long as they arent drip feeding RAID ENCOUNTERS.
A raid is a weekly "Do the thing get the gear okay all craftable? Duces" type thing, and drip feeding ENCOUNTERS makes it so that once you're done with the raid you REALLY have no reason to go back in to that specific raid sine now theres a whole new encounter that you don't know how to do an will have to learn.


Rick you didn’t have to make a 23 minute video for this.


I have been the biggest Destiny fan. I’m just starting to not care any more.
Everything feels so stale. But it’s been 10 years… it’s like flogging a dead horse at this point


They should make raids and dungeon matchmaking please


First they're going the shrinkflation route and shrinking the size of seasons to episodes and you guys can't seem to realize that frontiers is completely "less content "
Shame on you Bungie


cant remember any time or any moment, where ive played destiny and thought "hey what cool modifiers, which made the game better" xD its actually quite the opposite...
but well... destiny community isnt the brightest star in the nightsky! toxic positivity is true in this community and prevent better solutions, until the game went to what it is now xD


Make raid exotics available to casuals as well. only the 1% get them now... the rest (casuals)pay just the same for the game btw, still can not ever get raid exotics... bungie catering for the 1% hardcore, leaving casuals in the dark again.And dont get me started on the Vile, toxic community of that 1%


honestly after slavations edge and the more im hearing about next year like locking exotic catalysts behind high difficulty play in raids, the more i am thinking next year might be the final expansion i pay for and i just quit the game depending how they handle it. cause salvations edge has been the absolutely most ablist raid they ever made putting a huge middle finger up to us disabled gamers with its mechanics. and im no slouch here i do GMs i do dungeons i do raids and have a fair amount of lears on every raid but slavations edge since beyond light dropped so unless you are just a mouthbreahter dont come at me with "skill issue" or "get good" cause it only makes you look like a truely shit person since im talking about us gamers with disabilities not skill issues. and trust me, we disabled gamers get kicked out of LFGs just for being disabled. especially now with the shittier LFG we have now where you cant be upfront about such things. theres a reason i havent done a single raid this season.


I’ll play this game in whatever format it provides. Why ? Because in my humble opinion, it’s still better than anything else out there.


Idc I just want the loot to be worth it. No recent dungeon or raid has had any worthwhile loot. The weapons usually suck and only the exotic is worth grinding. The armor usually ugly as shit.


Streams are getting boring, KackisHD.


So if I bought the base final shape expansion do I have to buy the $50 pass upgrade in to get access to this dungeon coming on the 11th?


Contest mode, titles, etc is just more elitism pandering to streamers instead of engaging the remaining player base, another nail in the coffin, this is all just played out and old.
