Matthew Mole - Have I Told You [Official Audio]

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This is a song called Have I Told You, from my debut album The Home We Built.

Photograph by Samuel Zeller.
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My love story. Married 43 years. Known each other 45. Dated in 9th grade. It’s not always been easy, but it’s always been worth it. Not always beautiful but always still loved. Love has been spoken many times, but sometimes “yelled” and forgiven. Nothing is ever perfect unless you want it to be perfectly imperfect. I married my best friend and we don’t always agree or like each other but we will always love and live with each other. We have built our home on faith, forgiveness, commitment and the desire to make it last.


Let me share my love story..

Im single and im loving myself first, so im coming home to my higher self ✨❤️


Isnt it scary that many of these comments are edited saying they are no longer together(for whatever reason) even thought they mentioned before that they were so in love? The thought of falling out of love really scares me :/


The clothes that you wear
The colour of your hair
The music that you share
I guess that I like you
And the way you pronounce an "S" is
Like the feeling I have next to you is
Beautiful, you are beautiful
I'd like to spend the night with you
We'd crunch your cereal and choose
To bench press through the early hours
You are the puddle of mud
In the pigsty of my life
And I hope that you know what I'm trying to say to you
I guess that I love you
I have told you these things
So that you would not abandon
Your faith, (Aaaah) your faith (Aaaah)
Let's write a song together about
This other world that you speak of
Cause I'd like to go there with you (Hmm mm)
I'd like to spend the day with you
We'd harmonise with indie tunes
And cut the collars from our shirts
You are the puddle of mud in the pigsty of my life
And I hope that you know what I'm trying to say to you
I guess that I love you
And I am coming home
And I'd fly across the world
And I am coming home
And I'd fly across the world
I have told you these things
So that you would not abandon
Your faith (Mmm mm)


I love how people are sharing their love stories. I think I'll tell mine.

We met at a school activity in early 2013 I was a freshman and he was a senior. I will remember that day forever. We barely talked and yet I couldn't stop thinking of him. A few weeks went by and he came to our school with his basketball team to play us. At the end of the game I stopped to tell him he did a good job. He smiled and thanked me and his hand rested on my shoulder for a second. When I got home I searched facebook for about 2 hours to find him. I finally did and we started talking on the phone for hours every day for months. We eventually started dating and I was so happy. When he moved farther away for college we broke up. When I graduated high school we got back together. Then I had to move away for college and we broke up again. We are soulmates but our futures just never line up and we want different things from life. Love him always even from far away.


I guess I’ll share my love story while we’re here...
I had never had classes with him until about 4 years ago. We became best friends, and did everything together. Our parents knew we were practically inseparable. We made fun of each other, supported each other, and planned out our lives together. For a while I had never thought of him in a romantic sort of way- until he got a girlfriend. I suddenly felt as if I was being cast aside, and I was jealous. I never showed it obviously, because I didn’t wanna ruin our friendship. I suddenly realized that I loved him- and not in a buddy-buddy sort of way. I loved the way he rubbed it in my face when he won a game. I loved it when he made it known that I was his best friend. I loved it when he made eye contact with me from across the room, and would give a small salute before turning around. I waited with these feelings for 2 years until one night over FaceTime he said his girlfriend had broken up with him for another guy. He wasn’t upset, though, because apparently he was interested in someone else anyways. He then started to ask me whom I had feelings for. At first, I avoided answering at all costs. I couldn’t tell him I loved him after he just got out of a breakup... but then he got it out of me through my best friend who randomly joined the call and yelled, “ITS YOU DUMMY!” And then left. I was so embarrassed, and ashamed... until he said back into the phone, “if I were a dummy, I wouldn’t like you back.” He asked me out, and I said yes.
It’ll be 7 months on Friday. He’s annoying at times, but I have no idea where I’d be without him. I love him with all my heart, and even through my darkest times he’s been here for me. I’ve been sick in the hospital for the past few days and he’s been FaceTiming me when I get lonely, even when I’m not saying anything. He makes me smile and he is my favorite person ever. We have inside jokes together, and spend most days hanging out with hands intertwined. It’s so mesmerizing that I ended up here. I hope to never let him go. He recommended me this song and said it reminded him of me. I’m leaving this comment for people to hear our story and to let people know that you will go through tough times, and that you’ll always get through them, and the people who love you the most will always be there. If you made it this far, thanks for reading. 💗

Edit: we are no longer together after a year of dating due to him cheating on me with an older female. Although I am very hurt, I am very grateful for the memories I was given a chance to live. It stings, but it’ll get better, and I hope the world treats him right. 💞

Edit 2: I came back to this song after a bit and realized how many people supported me and still do support me- I’m actually so thankful for you all. Thank you. You all deserve everything good in life💕


I have no love story to tell. I do, however, have a love for the world. Earth is the best place in the solar system.


i clicked it because it has the same title of my fav book in wattpad, and i didn't regret clicking it.


I imagine someone in my group of friends will sing this for me during our camping trip while we were staring at the bon fire and confess to me, ah what a wonderful imagination


I've seen a lot of people do this and I've read tons of comments in a lot of songs, and I've shared those comments with the guy I love the most in the world and he's shared many such comments with me. I'm choosing this song to leave one of mine. I hope when I stumble on this YouTube video later in my life, I'm still with him. I just hope I've gotten better in telling him that the intensity of his love is incomparable, and I cannot put it into words what it means to be loved like this. That he's irreplaceable in my heart and in my life. That his laugh is the definition of happiness for me, and his touch makes me feel I've come back to a home that I've never had with anybody else. He's everything I've never had and everything I've always wanted and more.

EDIT: We're still together! It's been four years in April 2022. Yeeep :)


everyone telling and sharing their love stories, while me imagining sweet scenarios with my bias who didn't know that I exist. Fangirl feels.


I am in tears,

And I am coming home
and I’d fly across the world
and I am coming home
and I’d fly across the world.

My Goodness.


i love the progression from him going from, liking this girl to loving her, one of the most heart touching songs i've heard.


As I clicked on the video, scrolled down a bit. Started reading the comments. The community is so nice :) Then the song started playing too :O


I wish I could feel love like others do..

Such a beautiful song, can't believe I just found this..<3


A year and a half ago, I accidentally confessed to a really close friend of mine that I liked him, and luckily he felt the same. We were and currently still are in a ldr, but even when we were just friends we had pulled each other the some really hard parts in our lives. My family was falling apart, and he has severe depression. About this time last year, I convinced him to get help. He went to the hospital for his anorexia, started seeing a therapist, and for a while, he started to seem actually happy. But, depression is an evil monster. A few months ago, things started falling apart for him. He quit the therapy, hid inside his studys, and hates himself because his depression makes it so he can't remember anything, but he doesn't believe that he can take the time to make himself better. I wish I could hug him, and tell him that it's ok to take time for yourself. It feels like he's falling farther and farther away, and all I want is to see him smile again. I just hope he doesn't give up, because even though it all, we're still thick as thieves, and he's got the potential to do anything


Ik no one would read this one.... but still I feel like sharing
We were in same class since 1st grade and I'd known her for like 9years I've had a crush on her since 4th grade but never told her in the fear of rejection coz I knew she probably didn't feel the same way.... I dated a few girls after that but no one worked out.... after my recent breakup.... she was my support system.... that feeling which I had for her, I'd kept it hidden for a long time and thought of never ever confessing my love to her.... but a miracle happened and she said that she likes me.... I felt so good, literally I was flying in the sky for days.... we spent hours talking at night. I loved her so much, so so much... she too loved me. But nah, it didn't last, she broke up with me right after a month and never gave me a proper reason. When my friends asked her about it, she said that it was because, people said we aren't meant for each other and we look bad together(maybe coz she was damn beautiful, and yeah I wasn't) so everyone just laughed.... instead of overcoming it together, she just left it's been almost 10months since... I haven't got over her, guess I never will, I Still love and miss her, but idk if she deserves to be loved or missed, coz she too talked shit about me after what happened.... now here I am writing this comment

Edit: I had a chat with her recently, she confessed that she'd been lying to me since day 1. I don't know what to do with life.

Edit 2: I always used to come back to this pretty often, but now it's been a while, fast forward to 2022 and all these things that I wrote was what happened back in 2019. November 16th, today 3 years back I started a chain of bad decisions by dating that girl who made me hit my lowest all these past years, but right now, finally I somehow crossed paths with this girl, she makes me the happiest I've ever been with someone, the moment I saw her, I felt a spark in me but I chose to ignore it just so that I stay on the safe side and moreover she had a boyfriend and I on the other hand was in a unhappy relationship with someone else. But the universe brought us together like we were the missing pieces of the same puzzle. Everything seemed already sorted when it came to her, no new beginnings, no awkward stage, we simply just clicked. Universe made us meet in such a time when she and I both were having problems with our previous relationships, and we simply happened to help each other out, only to realize what we had was something different and was resisting her to go back to her old relationship and I stopped looking for others (I broke up already by that time). It was after 2 months, we simply accepted what chemistry we had and started to date and yes, THE BIGGEST WIN for my life that was. Nov 16th, here I am dancing with the girl of my dreams in our high school farewell, kissing her lips, holding her by my side and having the best time of my life. Life has never been happier.

Edit 3: We broke up before leaving for college, I'm joining the 'I don't believe in love' gang as well


John 3.16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.


Everytime that banjo comes in I can't help but to move my feet.


Bored in quarantine and accidentally discovered such a beautiful music. Instant fan. 😌
