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Gemini men are highly intellectual, smart and funny, but they are also shallow, emotionally immature and prone to lying.

Gemini is the 3rd zodiac sign that stands for education, communication, information sharing, learning new things and short-distance travel. It is ruled by Mercury – the lord of speech, wit and speed.

Today you are going to delve deeper into the shallow waters known as Gemini, and you’re going to learn the things they don’t advertise no matter how much they talk.

Based on Gemini Sun Sign

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Oh yeah, DEAD ON. This perfectly describes both of my Gemini X's. Especially the easily bored, lying, cheating, quickly moving on to new partners, needing variety, & disloyal. ALL of it 👌🏼The TRUTH 💯


I'm a Gemini man married to a Scorpio for almost 13 years and happily married to her with 3 daughters all this video maybe other Geminis but not me and everyone said we wouldn't last lol


I was married to a Gemini male for 24 years and dated him for 4.5 years. All of what is said in this video is true. Constant lies. Lots of cheating and no remorse for the cheating. He got bored easily. Always needed change. Fun to talk to. Funny. But was clueless about the meaning of loyalty. I finally had enough and ended it. Sad story. It wasn’t easy, but I was sick of spinning my wheels with him. I will never date another Gemini again. Once was more than enough.


Not all Gemini man are like that, they are faithful once a Gemini has found his QUEEN .


I am a 56 year old Gemini Man and there is truth in this. I hate to admit but I haven’t made an effort to change my way of thinking or behaving in relationships or friendships. I have hurt people. Especially my wife with serial cheating, pathological lying and overall selfishness.


I’ve been married to a Gemini male for 36 years. He never buys me presents and when I brought this up he got mad because it made him feel bad. He gets the new car, I get the used car. He is not very caring.


Let me get this straight. Aquarius, Leo and Aries are more entertaining to Gemini than the rest of the signs? That can't be true. It sounds like an exaggeration to me. Yes Gemini is the sign of intellect and communication. However, Gemini is not the only intelligent zodiac sign. The other zodiac signs are intelligent as well. I love Geminis (men and women) but when it comes to lying, cheating, gossip, and disloyalty, that is unacceptable.


Be interesting to see what's said about us.


As a Gemini ♊ It sounds like in this video..Keep Me Entertained or Die!☝😌😙🚬💨💨💨


Remember that just because someone is a Gemini, you have to also look at their moon and rising sign plus the other planets in their birth chart. We are all a unique mix of all our planetary placements and aspects.


Us Aries ♈️ 🐏 got the same thing in common with Geminis but we Bold-Faced it’s one penny and 2 faces in the penny


Sad to say its true i try my best to understand others pain and try to stand in their shoes but at the end the shit i do and say are pure evil even the thoughts we are more likely to have depression and anxiety with the the shit in our head only cure is meditation


This is legit true. I hv a lil brother who is Gemini. I swear he is really fucking hard to handle. One day I might disown him bcs of the consist lying. I mean do u even need to lie that u didn't eat yet? Everything that doesn't need to lie, he lied. Coward. Here I am trying to fucking understand his bullshit. Waste my fucking time.


“Hello? Donald Trump? You’re a Gemini correct?…”

“Mr. President? Are you still there?”


At least it’s only 1.4k views 😭 this is slaughter


Oh this is the most spot on video for the unevolved Gemini men I’ve known. Some evolve and become great communicators and faithful to their partners but the ones I’ve encountered manipulate like it’s second nature to them.


As a Gemini myself I can say some of these are in fact true I hate to admit it but yes it is, but some of them are just stereotypes and misunderstood.

Liars = true. Yes we do lie alot either to make people feel better about themselves or just to end a conversation with someone we are not interested in.

Not loyal = true/false.I would say this is false but it's just a common fact about Geminis being disloyal which is not the case, I can also say true because in some cases Geminis can be very disloyal but only when they feel hurt, I can say for myself not all Geminis are disloyal but most of them are sadly, So it's a tie.

Geminis getting bored easily = (VERY TRUE). yes we do get bored really really easily that is one of our down sides, they don't mention this In the video but when we are bored we can be sometimes rude, selfish, self centered, cold hearted, and take it out on other people. because of the fact we are bored which makes us irritated and annoyed very quickly.

Geminis gossip = TRUE. This I can say is true we can gossip and take things a little bit to far we tend to do this a lot mostly when we are disappointed at someone or just got into a argument with them which is a negative trait! I will say not all Gemini gossip is negative we tend to be really bored which leads us to talk about drama, shows, fights, etc, but yes as a Gemini this is true but in most cases this happens when you have hurt a Gemini or betrayed them or out them.

Geminis are shallow = True. Nothing to say honestly but "yes".


as a gemini I have these thoughts, but as smart as we are and the way we think, If we apply our selves to being a good person we are very much capable we aren't just evil humans. It's just if we don't feel you are worth our time we won't take you serious and just play around. Most of the time we tell you what you're getting into but a lot of time people enjoy our presence and Charm so much they ignore and fall in blindly. But if its the right person we'll act right because we know what's at risk. so blame our charm and people loving to talk to us. We don't ask for people to make tight bonds with us but they always do regardless of the situation. Once you notice people catch feeling for you so often you learn to not care about them or not take it into account unless you're actually serious about the person.


NB! The video only tells about the SIGN Gemini, not of an individual Gemini. Different things! Unknowing ones usually mix these up. A Gemini man with strong or much Cancer f ex, can be the most caring, responsible, loving, providing, faithful etc husband and father (mine f ex). Also strong emphasis on Taurus and more. The deeper emotional shallowness and inibition-immaturity is probably more common though. But every sign has there + and -.
I am puzzled and exhausted at aGemini dating-app man claiming to be so interetsted in me and waht I have in my profile, yet responding very little to my e-letters, and focusing only on our 90% personality test match points. Much is not covered by the shallow albeit useful test, and I want to feel interest for me in reality. Exhausting myself by engaged writing/thinking/deciphering/asking, and getting too little of interest back. He is also too private about family rather than about himself and me and him. Sdaly, I lose any interest along with losing my femalre hormones due to stressful male-behaviour, having to do the manä's work as wellas mine. For which I don't have energy and interest.. Any advice? .-)


I dont agree, there is one thing called nature and another thing called values. As a kid i used to tell a lot of lies just to be part or for acceptance.. but im not a stranger to loyalty and i treat people with honor regardless of their behaviour towards me. these traits that are mentioned in the video are so broad anyone could fit in.. im a gemini i certainly dont lie and i try to live my life away from lies and manipulation.. i think any person under attatck will use all sort of resources to defend themselves from what is causing pain.. But in general i can only speak for myself. and im loyal honorable not a liar and above all i believe in God not on the zodiac..
